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implants international magazine of oral implantology

Fig. 1_Dr Suheil Michael Boutros. Fig. 2_The surgical suite during implant surgery at Dr Boutros’ Grand Blanc office. I interview _Whatcanyoutellusaboutyourbackground? I am a graduate of University of Detroit Mercy SchoolofDentistryinDetroit,Michigan,andearned myMaster’sdegreeandspecialtycertificateinperi- odontics from the University of Minnesota School of Dentistry. I have been in private practice since 1996, with offices in Grand Blanc, Clarkston, and Flint, Michigan. In addition, I have been on the Dean’s faculty at the University of Michigan School of Dentistry in Ann Arbor, Michigan, since 2002. _Isyourpracticelimitedtoimplants? Weofferthefullscopeofperiodontaltherapy,in- cluding regenerative therapy and periodontal plas- tic surgery, in addition to a strong emphasis on ad- vanced bone grafting and dental implant surgery. _Whydidyoudecidetofocusonimplantology? During my residency in the early 1990s, I wit- nessed the need for dental implants and the future of helping edentulous patients restore their func- tionality and improve confidence. I became well trained in placing dental implants. Once I started in private practice, I continued to attend continuing education courses to further educate myself on the innovative improvements in the industry. At that time,Ilaunchedourowndentalstudyclubaftersee- ing the need to further educate the dental profes- sionals within our community. _Howlonghaveyoubeenpracticing,andwhatsys- temsdoyouuse? Ihavebeeninfull-timeprivatepracticelimitedto periodontics and implant surgery since 1996. Over the years, I have worked with several systems, but I mainly use Zimmer®, BIOMET 3i™ and a few Nobel Biocare®. _Whattraininghaveyouundertaken? Aftergraduatingfromdentalschool,Icompleted three years of postgraduate studies in periodontics at the University of Minnesota where I earned a MS degree. Since I completed my residency, I have at- tendednumerouscontinuingeducationcourses,in- cluding hands-on courses. Now I present several hands-on courses as a faculty member at the Zim- mer Institute and BIOMET Institute for Implant and Reconstructive Dentistry (IIRD). I have been in- volved with several implant organizations, and in addition to the American Academy of Periodontol- ogy, I am an active member of the Academy of Os- seointegration and the American Academy of Im- plant Dentistry. _Whohasinspiredyou? Myfatherwasatrueinspirationinmylife.Heal- ways encouraged me to work hard and to see every challenge as an opportunity to grow. I have carried the values he has instilled in me every day in busi- ness and my personal life. Of course, I would not be here today without the continuous support of my Dentistry from the heart: Dr Suheil Michael Boutros 32 I implants4_2014 Fig. 1 Fig. 2 [PICTURE: ©SYDA PRODUCTIONS]

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