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implants international magazine of oral implantology

Rectification TRI Implants vs Straumann The EAO today edition in Rome featured a prominent interview article with CEO Tobias Richter and CTO Sandro Venanzoni of TRI Dental Implants, a Swiss manufacturerofdentalimplantsolutions,ontheirre- spectivelaunchoftheTRIOctaTissueImplantLineat theEAOCongress2014.Duringtheinterview,several comments were made by the TRI Dental Implants Management,thatmaybeconsideredmisleadingand require clarification based on the request of the Insti- tutStraumannAG,asfollowsbelow. Thefollowingstatementsaresubjecttorectification: 1.StatementA:“Consideringthefactthatseveralkey executives in our company previously worked at Straumann, the tissue level implant has always beenclosetoourheartasaproductthatcouldpro- vide predictable long-term results for our cus- tomers.”Onlytwomembersofthe managementat TRIDentalInternationalareformeremployeesofIn- stitut Straumann AG: CEO Tobias Richter was for- mer Director for Marketing (Europe) and CTO San- dro Venanzoni was former Head of Product Man- agement Computer Guided Surgery at Institut Straumann AG. The mentioned other members of the TRI Dental management have joined the team fromotherleadingimplantcompanies. 2.StatementB:“(…)whichenablesustoin- tegratethetaperedimplantbodyguar- anteesbetterprimarystabilitycompared withtheparallel-walledStraumanntissue- levelimplants.” This statement is based on clinical experience only with the TRI tapered bone level implant that has the sameimplantbodyastheTRItissuelevelimplant,but isotherwisenotyetprovenbyscientificevidence.TRI Dental Implants does not have scientific evidence to make statements concerning the primary stability of theirimplantscomparedwithStraumann® implants. 3.Statement C:“Together with ourTRI+ digital inter- face, the combination of bone and tissue level im- plants will guarantee the best long-term results bothintheanteriorandposteriorregions,aswellas for edentulous regions.” TRI Dental Implants used theterm“bestlong-termresults”asageneralmar- ketingtermthatisnotscienfiticallyproven.TRIhas specified this statement in an edited version of the article accordingly. 4.StatementD:“(…)toadopttheStraumannoctago- nal connection and enhance it with ourTRI friction technologyforthemaximumimplantabutmentsta- bility.”Thisstatementismisleadingastheintentof thisstatementwaspurelytoreferencethatTRIDen- talImplantshaveonlycombinedtheoctagonalcon- nection initially developed by Straumann and has combined it with the existing TRI Friction technol- ogyoftheTRIDentalImplantSystem.Noreference totheperformanceinrelationtoStraumannwasin- tended. Source:TRIImplants/DentalTribune manufacturer news I I 25implants4_2014 AD [PICTURE: ©AMASTERPHOTOGRAPHER] To publish in 2015, please contact [PICTURE: ©SERGEY NIVENS]

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