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implants international magazine of oral implantology

I manufacturer news 22 I implants4_2014 Manufacturer News Schütz Dental presents the new implant of theIMPLAfamily:aninternalconicalconnec- tion with anti-rotation protection.The cylin- drical multi-purpose implant is endowed with self-tapping thread and internal coni- cal connection with anti-rotation protec- tion.The basic cylindrical shape of the im- plant is complemented by synchronous threads up to the implant shoulder. In many cases, the implantologist can quickly adapt the insertion depth. Advantages of the new implant are an in- tegrated platform switching (A) for the preservation of the marginal bone level andimprovementofthesofttissueattach- ment. Another advantage is the secure connection (B) where micro movements between implant and abutment are min- imised. Last but not least, the self-tapping thread (C) serves a maximum of flexibility, a reducedtimeandeffortforthesurgery,anda veryhighprimarystability.Theimplantwith itsmicro-structuredandhighpuritysurface is blasted and etched for an optimal cell adaption and safe osseointegration. IMPLA implants stand for clinical experi- ence since 1963, premium German quality at a fair price and part of the digital work- flow. Schütz Dental GmbH Dieselstr. 5–6 61191 Rosbach, Germany Schütz Dental Cylindrical Cone Connection True innovation is about finding new and improved ways to do things. With the new NobelProcera An- gulated Screw Channel (ASC) abutment and Nobel Biocare’s Omnigrip tooling, true innovation has been achieved. With the abutment, the screw channel can be placedwithanangleofupto25degreesfromthe axisoftheimplant,anywherewithina360-de- gree radius. In the anterior aesthetic region this makes it possible to use screw-re- tained restorations where a buccal screw access point would previously have ruled them out. When designing the abutment,the screw access hole can instead be positioned on the lin- gual side of the restoration. When used on molars or premolars, the ability to tilt the screw channel into themostconvenientpositionmakesit easier for the clinician to place, and access, therestoration.Asaone-piecerestorationtheabut- ment requires less labor from the dental lab and so is produced more quickly,reducing costs. The benefits of the ASC abut- mentareonlypossiblethanks totheintroductionoftheasso- ciated Omnigrip tooling.The tip of the screwdriver allows the screw to be tightened and loos- ened within the angulated channel with the same accessibility and torqueasifthechannelwerestraight.It allows easy handling from multiple an- gles,even in the posterior. Together,theASC abutment and the Om- nigrip tooling offer clinicians not just new treatment possibilities,but opportunities to increase the number of screw-re- tained restorations they place. Nobel Biocare Services AG P.O. Box 8058 Zurich-Airport Switzerland Long-term clinical success of dental implants is de- pendent on a number of critical factors including im- plantdesign,bonequalityandquantity,surgicaltech- niques and clinician’s skills.However,above and be- yondimplantmaterialsandgeometry,thetopography and chemistry of the implant; surface treatment and surface quality is just as important in achieving high successrates. Numerous studies suggest a predictable and more rapid osseointegration of implants using surface treatments in a combination of sand-blasting and acid-etching.Osteoblast proliferation and differenti- ation depends on the micro- and nanostructures on thesurfaceoftheimplantthatcloselymimicthenat- ural bone matrix.MIS implant surfaces most closely mimicsthenaturalcancellous(spongy)boneconfig- urationandhasenhancedsurfacepuritywhentested against other major implant brands using SEM tech- nology. Using surface characterization technology, MIS can guaranteethatourimplantsurfacesupholdthehigh- est standards of surface quality with a 99.8–100% pure titanium oxide surface,as well as the validation of full coverage by sand-blasting and acid-etching. Thesesurfacetreatmentshelpeliminatevarioussur- face contaminants while increasing the implant sur- face area, generating a hydrophilic surface with mi- cro- and nanostructures for optimum osseointegra- tion. MIS Implants Technologies GmbH Simeonscarré 2 32423 Minden, Germany MIS Implant surfaces with enhanced purity Nobel Biocare Aesthetics from a new angle

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