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implants international magazine of oral implantology

I manufacturer news 40 I implants3_2014 Long-term clinical success of dental implants is de- pendent on a number of critical factors including im- plantdesign,bonequalityandquantity,surgicaltech- niques and clinician’s skills.However,above and be- yondimplantmaterialsandgeometry,thetopography and chemistry of the implant; surface treatment and surface quality is just as important in achieving high successrates. Numerous studies suggest a predictable and more rapid osseointegration of implants using surface treatments in a combination of sand-blasting and acid-etching.Osteoblast proliferation and differenti- ationdependsonthemicroandnanostructuresonthe surface of the implant that closely mimic the natural bonematrix.MISimplantsurfacesmostcloselymim- ics the natural cancellous (spongy) bone configura- tion and has enhanced surface purity when tested against other major implant brands using SEM tech- nology. Using surface characterization technology, MIS can guaranteethatourimplantsurfacesupholdthehigh- est standards of surface quality with a 99.8–100% pureTitanium-oxidesurface,aswellasthevalidation of full coverage by sand-blasting and acid-etching. Thesesurfacetreatmentshelpeliminatevarioussur- face contaminants while increasing the implant sur- facearea,generatingahydrophilicsurfacewithmicro andnanostructuresforoptimumosseointegration. MIS Implants Technologies GmbH Simeonscarré 2 32423 Minden, Germany MIS Implant surfaces with enhanced purity It is estimated that as many as one in every two im- plant treatments requires bone augmentation.As a global leader in implant dentistry, Straumann has teamed up with botiss, a leading manufacturer of high-quality biomaterials for dental hard and soft tissue regeneration, to provide comprehensive so- lutions that address this need. Thepartnershipbetweenthetwocompaniesmeans that their combined regenerative lines cover all in- dications and preferences for oral tissue regenera- tionproducts–anidealcomplementtoStraumann’s dental implant and prosthetic systems. The com- pany’s CEO,Marco Gadola commented:“botiss will enableustoofferanunparalleledrangeofregener- ative solutions to support implant and periodontal procedures. Their quality, effectiveness, handling characteristics and clinical track record will have greatappealtoourcustomers–aswillthepossibil- ity to obtain every component for a complete solu- tion from one company.” At this year’s EAO congress—taking place 25–27 September in Rome—Straumann will start to exclusively distribute the botiss products in most Central andWestern European countries. Institut Straumann AG Peter Merian-Weg 12 4052 Basel, Switzerland Straumann More than a partner- ship. A synergy of strengths. Manufacturer News Since 1985, the Bicon Dental Implant System has offered dentists a proven solution for missing den- tition. TheBiconimplantdesigncomprisesplateaus,slop- ingshouldersandabacterially-sealed,1.5°locking taper implant to abutment connection. With the plateaudesign,corticallikeboneformsaroundand between each plateau.This Haversian bone allows for the routine use of 5.0 mm short implants. Theslopingshoulderprovidesthenecessaryroom for bone to support interdental papillae that are gingivallyaesthetic.Bicon’s360°ofuniversal abutment positioning provides for the revolu- tionary cementless and screwless Integrated Abutment Crown™, which consistently pro- vides for a non-metallic aesthetic gingival margin. Bicon Dental Implants Arborway 501 Boston, MA 02130, USA Bicon Dental Implants Simple. Predictable. Profitable.

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