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Worldental Daily New Delhi, 11 September 2014

Y education everywhere and anytime Y live and interactive webinars Y more than 500 archived courses Y a focused discussion forum Y free membership Y no travel costs Y no time away from the practice Y interaction with colleagues and experts across the globe Y a growing database of scientific articles and case reports Y ADA CERP-recognized credit administration ADA CERP is a service of the American Dental Association to assist dental professionals in identifying quality providersof continuing dental education. ADA CERP does not approve or endorse individual courses or instructors, nor does it imply acceptance of credit hours by boards of dentistry. Register for FREE! visit us at booth B56-65 AD Thursday, 11 September 2014 Business I Bleeding or oozing sometimes makestheprocessoftakingdentalim- pressionsdifficultorevenimpossible. Replacing all conventional tech- niquesforopeningthesulcus,Expasyl from Acteon promises to open the marginal gingiva without damaging theepithelialattachment. According to the French manufac- turer,thetechniqueissimpleandfast as well as totally painless for the patient. Without the need for anaes- thesia, clinicians can have a quality sulcularopeninginonlytwominutes, the company said. After the removal of Expasyl, they are left with a clean clinical site, ideal for taking a perfect impression. The risks of gingival recessionandboneresorption,owing to trauma caused to the epithelial attachment, can be eliminated. The aluminium chloride and kaolin contained in its formula also give Expasylastringentandhaemostatic properties. ACTEON GROUP, FRANCE Booth C17–20 Temporary gingival retraction enhanced CBCTimaging withlowerdoses I Planmeca Ultra Low Dose is a new imaging protocol that is supposed to allow CBCT imaging with an even lower patient radiation dose than standard 2-D panoramic imaging. It is based on intelligent 3-D algo- rithms, according to Planmeca, and offers a vast amount of detailed anatomicalinformationataverylow patient dose. Two-dimensional im- aging,therefore,can no longer be justi- fied, the manufac- turersaid. The Tam- pere Univer- sityHospitalin Finland is one of the facilities which has changed imaging practices ow- ing to the new protocol. It currently takesaround2,000CBCTimagesper year, a number which, according to thehospital,isconstantlygrowing. “We have been using the new Planmeca Ultra Low Dose protocol since last summer, and we have foundittobeveryusefulinmanyim- agingindications,”arepresentative said. “These include postoperative follow-up studies, orthodontic cases requiring localisation of im- pactedteethandtheireffectsonthe neighbouring ones, detection of fa- cial asymmetries, sinus imaging in certain ENT cases where sinusitis needs to be excluded, pharyngeal airway measurements in sleep ap- noea patients, as well as many im- plantcases.” According to the representative, the protocol also had a significant impactonpatients.“Weoftenfound them to be concerned about radia- tion exposure, but once they hear that the dose is even lower than in traditional panoramic 2-D imaging, theyarealwaysrelieved.Also,refer- ringphysiciansoftenspecificallyask us to use the Ultra Low Dose proto- col,”hesaid. PlanmecaUltraLowDoseisavail- able with all Planmeca ProMax 3D imagingunits.Accordingtotheman- ufacturer,imagestakenwiththeim- aging protocol can for a used for a largevarietyofclinicalcases,suchas postoperativeandfollow-upstudies in maxillofacial surgery, orthodon- tics,implantplanning,aswellasENT studies. PLANMECA, FINLAND Booth C36–47

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