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Worldental Daily New Delhi, 11 September 2014

Thursday, 11 September 2014 Business I want to smile FDI • Stand C17-18-19-20 • 11-14 Sept 2014 • New Delhi • India 17 av. Gustave Eiffel • BP 30216 • 33708 MERIGNAC cedex • FRANCE Tel + 33 (0) 556 340 607 • Fax + 33 (0) 556 349 292 E-mail: • AD IThe All-on-4 treatment concept by Nobel Biocare was developed to provide edentulous and soon-to-be edentulous patients with an effi- cient and effective restoration that uses only four implants to support immediately-loaded, fixed full-arch prostheses.This can be achieved by tiltingthetwoposteriorimplants,so that longer implants can be used in reduced bone volume, thereby in- creasing bone-to-implant contact and reducing the need for vertical boneaugmentation.Astiltedposte- riorimplantscanbeanchoredinbet- terqualityanteriorbone,cantilevers are also reduced, according to the Swissmanufacturer,improvingsup- port for the prostheses. Moreover, there will be less need for bone aug- mentation. Supported by almost 15 years of clinical success, Nobel Biocare said that the All-on-4 treatment concept offersareliablesolutionforpatients looking to escape the discomfort that so often comes from wearing removable dentures. Cumulative 5-year implant survival rates of 98 per cent have been documented for theconceptinbothjawsforalmost10 years and overall published data on theAll-on-4treatmentconceptshows cumulative survival rates of between 92.2and100percent. AccordingtoNobelBiocare,theAll- on-4treatmentconceptcanbeusedin a wide range of cases. Owing to the high initial stability offered by implant innovationssuchasNobelSpeedyand NobelActive, Immediate Function can beachievedsafelyeveninpatientsex- hibiting severe bone resorption, the company said. Furthermore, it claims that the concept can also be adapted to incorporate zygomatic implants in cases where patients have severely atrophicmaxillae. The All-on-4 treatment is also said to provide flexibility when it comes to prosthetics. Options for the final restorativesolutionincludefixedpros- theses such as the NobelProcera Im- plant Bridge Zirconia or Titanium with acrylic or composite veneering as well asindividualNobelProceraCrownsce- mented to the NobelProcera Implant Bridge framework. Removable solu- tions are also feasible such as an acrylicoverdentureonaNobelProcera ImplantBar,forexample. Since accurate placement is es- sential, Nobel Biocare recommends guided surgery with NobelGuide for All-on-4 treatment concept cases. Di- agnostics and treatment planning are supportedbytheNobelClinicianSoft- ware. By using the radiological data setwith3-Dmodelsofboneandthera- diographic guide in combination, cli- nicians can assess the quantity and qualityoftheboneavailable,saysthe company. Vital anatomical structures such as the alveolar nerve and the maxillarysinuscanalsobemarkedso thatprosthetic-drivenplanningcanbe conducted with yet unknown limita- tions. In addition, the split-screen viewinthesoftwareallowstheuserto control and customise the angulation of the dental reslice planes, a feature that assures the tilted posterior im- plantsrequiredfortheAll-on-4treat- ment concept are positioned per- fectly. After the planning in Nobel- Clinician is completed, ordering a ready-to-use surgical template and all the components required for the surgery is just a few clicks away.The NobelGuide surgical template en- ables guided implant site prepara- tionaswellassafe,accurateimplant insertion, minimizing pain and swellingforthepatient. NobelBiocaresaidthatthesurgi- cal template can also be used to be- gindevelopingfixedtemporarypros- thesespriortosurgery.Itenablesthe creation of a stone model with im- plant replicas in advance, which meansthedentaltechniciancanalso producetheabutmentplacementjig and the fixed provisional prostheses ahead of time. All that remains is for the clinician to finalise the prosthe- sesformountingontheimplantsim- mediatelyaftersurgery. NOBEL BIOCARE, SWITZERLAND Booth B109–116 Nobel Biocare highlights All-on-4 treatment concept at FDI ADWC

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