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Dental Tribune Middle East & Africa Edition

19Dental Tribune Middle East & Africa Edition | September-October 2014 endo tribune Fig. 1: Bleeding following dental caries treatment. Fig.2: ApplicationofHEMOSTASYL Graphic 1: Assessment of heamosta- sis Graphic 2: Assessment of handling Fig. 3: Haemostasis achieved in less than 2 minutes. Fig. 4: After removal of HEMOSTA- SYL using a gentle water spray, the site is free of any bleeding or oozing. Eppendorf. It was divided into two sections. The first dealt with general informa- tion on other products used for haemostasis and their indications. In the second part, the study respondents were asked to evaluate HE- MOSTASYL and compare it with other products with re- spect to haemostatic prop- erties, handling and appli- cation time. Results Comparator products and indications HEMOSTASYL was tested 2,542 times, having been applied four to ten times by the majority (69.4%) of the study respondents. Dur- ing the study, its properties were compared with those of more than 13 other haemo- static products. The three most frequently mentioned comparator products (Vis- coStat, Ultradent; Astringe- dent, Ultradent; and Rac- estyptine, Septodont) made up more than half (56%). On the question regarding primary indication, just un- der half of the respondents cited impression taking. The second leading indica- tion was composite fillings, at just under 40%. This was followed, by a wide margin, by tooth preparation, which was listed as an indication by 10% of the testers. Rela- tively rarely cited indica- tions included cementation, temporary crowns, bracket bonding, retainer bonding, and amalgam and CEREC restorations. Haemostatic properties (Graphic 1) Using the Mann–Whitney test, it was determined that the respondents rated hae- mostasis with HEMOSTA- SYL statistically signifi- cantly better than with one of the other products for the listed indications. Haemo- stasis with the thixotropic gel was rated 1 or 2 by 86.9% of the respondents (443). Only 69.4% of the respon- dents (354) gave this very good grade to their compar- ator product. A result of no bleeding af- ter application of HEMO- STASYL was recorded by 32.2% of the respondents (164), while only 20.2% of the respondents (103) found the same effect for one of the comparator products. Moderate bleeding with HEMOSTASYL was reported by only 10.4% (53) of the respondents. By contrast, moderate bleeding after application of one of the comparator products was, notably, relatively frequent at 26.3% (reported by 134 of the respondents). Handling/application (Graphic 2) HEMOSTASYL also achieved a statistically significantly better result in the evalua- tion of its handling: 91.4% of the respondents (480) rat- ed its handling as very good (301) or good (179), while this rating was given to the other haemostatic products in only 54.5% (278) of cases. The comparator products received a score of 1 from only 13.9% (71) and a score of 2 from 40.6% (207) of the respondents. Time to haemostasis (Graphic 3) Using the chi-squared test, it was determined that the rating for HEMOSTASYL re- garding time to haemostasis was also statistically signif- icantly better than for the comparator products. More than three-quarters of the respondents (386) reported that haemostasis using the gel required little time. Only 34.7% of the respon- dents (177) rated the other products just as highly. Direct comparison (Graphic 4) As to the question regarding overall impression (haemo- stasis, handling/application properties and time to hae- mostasis), HEMOSTASYL was rated better overall by 305 of the respondents (ap- proximately 60%) than the comparator products. Discussion With regard to haemosta- sis, HEMOSTASYL received a score of 1 or 2 more often than the other products. The aluminium chloride contained in the gel for its astringent effect thus ap- pears to offer additional enhancement of the hae- mostasis. Because the gel can be applied directly and precisely in the mouth with the angled syringe applica- tor, it also fared better with the testers with regard to its handling and applica- tion properties. Other ad- vantages are that it can be Science in Every Smile • Apply the most healthy orthodontic treatment • Expand your adult patient practice • Enhance your competitive edge • Elevate the patient experience • Your patients will love it INVISALIGN® CERTIFICATION REGISTER TODAY! Dubai Office: +971 4 385 1663 Riyadh Office: +966 56 114 2557 Learn about our next course at: IT IS TIME TO SEE THE FUTURE NOW! Invisalign uses 3D CAD/CAM technology to visualize the treatment and a step-by-step simulated results. SEPT 24 DUBAI : GP SEPT 25 DUBAI : ORTHO NOV 6 KUWAIT CITY : ORTHO DEC 13 JEDDAH : ORTHO < Page 18 removed easily with an air and water spray, and is easy to detect because of the con- trasting turquoise colour. HEMOSTASYL was also rat- ed better by most of the us- ers with respect to the time factor. Treatment (such as taking an impression or bonding inlays) can be con- tinued immediately after haemostasis with the hae- mostatic wound dressing under optimal conditions. Further advantages report- ed by the testers included painless treatment, particu- larly when the wound dress- ing is applied to a healthy periodontium, and good tol- erability without undesir- able systemic side-effects, such as can be the case with haemostatic agents contain- ing epinephrine. Overall HEMOSTASYL dis- tinguishes itself with its thixotropic properties and consequent ease of applica- tion and very good adhesion to the tissue without exert- ing pressure, as well as the associated mechanical ef- fect. Conclusion The results of this study make it evident that HEMO- STASYL is indicated for ef- ficient haemostasis in cases of light to moderate bleed- ing. With clear indications for use and easy application without risk to the patient, it offers quality assurance to the dental practice. Dr. Sven Schomaker • Born 1975 in Hamburg • Promotion 09.09.2011 Berlin Charite • Settled since 01.01.2008 in the practice of Dr. Engeln and Dr. Schomaker in Hamburg •Training assistant 01.01.2006- 31.12.2007 of Dr. Matthias Engeln in Hamburg • Training assistant 01.01.2004- 31.12.2005 of Dr. Wulf Elster- mann in Hoisdorf • Approval 09.12.2003 in Ham- burg • Degree in Dentistry 1997-2003 University Hospital Hamburg Eppendorf Internet: About the Author

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