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Dental Tribune Middle East & Africa Edition

14 Dental Tribune Middle East & Africa Edition | September-October 2014clinical Dr. Izdihar Alchab 2026, Block C, Al Razi Building, Health Care City, Dubai French Dental Clinic For more information, please visit our website: Dr. Ahmed Zuhaili performs yet another groundbreaking surgery ByDr.IzdiharAlchab W eareproudtoannounce that our surgeons at the French Dental Clinic Dubai, have recently performed a new surgery of its kind for a 21 year patient with Papillon Lefe- ver syndrome. Papillon Lefever syndrome is characterized by periodontitis and palmoplantar keratoderma. The severe de- struction of periodontium results in loss of most primary teeth by the age of 4 and most permanent teeth by age 14. An alternative to conventional management of this disease which is den- tures, Dr Ahmad Alzahaili and Dr Jean Francois Tulasne who is an inventor and developer of the partial bone graft technique performed a groundbreaking surgery by extracting bone from the cortical extern of the parietal bone and replacing it in the pa- tient’s mouth. Basically giving the patient a chance at leading a normal life since he had lost all his teeth and the bone along at the tender age of 13. The patient was referred to us by implantolo- gist colleagues from Boston Uni- versity who had previously at- tended a conference done by our surgeon Dr. Ahmed Zuhaili and his teacher Dr. Jean Francois Tulasne who is inventor and de- veloper of the partial bone graft technique. Fig 1. Fig 4. Fig 5. Fig 6. Fig 7. Fig 8. Fig 9. Fig 2. Fig 3. his own teeth without having to compromise and go through life with dentures at such a young age. Contact Information When the patient initially came to us we made sure that the pa- tient was fit for surgery under general anesthesia. We deter- mined the same by doing CT Scans and X-rays of his upper and lower jaw as well as skull to check the bone skull density of the cortical external and internal regions. The surgery was performed un- der general anesthesia, in which we prepared and made ready the upper and lower jaw to receive the parietal bone grafts. We then collected the bone from the cor- tical extern of the parietal bone of the skull and replaced it in the upper and lower jaw with surgi- cal screws and finally sutures. We had to wait for 3 months after the surgery to check if the graft had been successful and properly integrated in the jaw. We were extremely pleased with the re- sults, which were perfect. Our colleagues from Boston Uni- versity, Dr. Kinaya then placed 9 impants in the upper jaw and 6 implants in the lower jaw. After another 3 months our pa- tient was overjoyed to receive his upper and lower teeth done by Dr Soukaria again from Boston uni- versity. Even though the whole process took around 6 months, it was completely worth it for the pa- tient and for us. The patient has been given a new life and with

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