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CAD/CAM - international magazine of digital dentistry

I 21 case report _ full-arch restoration I CAD/CAM 3_2014 with high blood pressure and took Tahor (Pfizer) on a daily basis. In addition, he had been on Kardegic (Sanofi) therapy since a heart attack in 2005. For functional and aesthetic reasons,hewantedafixed prosthesis in his maxillary arch(Figs.1a&b). _Debridement and pre-implant surgery Owing to the periodontal condition of his remain- ingmaxillaryteeth,allofthemwereatraumaticallyre- moved.Then,mechanicaldebridementwasperformed throughalveolarcurettageandcopiousirrigationwith Betadine.Amaxillarycompleteoverdenturewasfabri- catedandplacedonthesamedayoftheextractions. After a healing period of four months, DentaScan images (GE Healthcare) were obtained to evaluate the bone height. The scans showed significant bone resorption in the posterior sections of the maxillae (Figs. 2a–c): SA-4, according to Misch’s classification, since the residual ridge height was less than 5 mm. Sinus grafting was deemed necessary and implant placementhadtobedelayedbyfivetosixmonths,until complete healing and good initial stability had been achieved. Bilateral sinus lift was performed under local anaesthesia from a lateral approach using the tech- nique described by Tatum. The Schneiderian mem- brane was lifted gently. As there were no perforations, platelet-rich fibrin was used for coverage of the sinus floor. Maxgraft (botiss biomaterials) allografts were placed to elevate the maxillary sinus floor, and then coveredwithaBio-Gide(Geistlich)collagenmembrane andplatelet-richfibrin. After a healing period of five months, the patient underwent a CT scan wearing a scan prosthesis of Fig. 3_Scan prosthesis. Fig. 4_An osteotensor. Fig. 5a_Implant placement planning in SIMPLANT (DENTSPLY Implants) software. Fig. 5b_Implant placement planning in SIMPLANT (DENTSPLY Implants) software. Figs. 5c–d_CT cross-sections. Fig. 5b Fig. 5d Fig. 4Fig. 3 Fig. 5a Fig. 5c CAD0314_20-25_Marcelat 22.08.14 14:22 Seite 2

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