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today Hinman Dental Meeting Atlanta Mar. 27, 2014

By Dr. Angie Nauman n As a GP, one of the aspects of den- tistry that drew me to this field was the incredible transformation that can be made with short-term ortho- dontics for adults. Matt is a very friendly young man of 26 years, but I could tell he was hiding behind his close-lipped smile.Althoughhewasnotconcerned about his looks, Matt came into our office wanting to straighten his teeth because he kept biting his lips. At the time, I had been treating Six Month Smile cases for a year, and I couldn’t help but imagine how his smile — and his life — could be changed by straightening his teeth with Six Month Smiles and adding some composite to his chipped tooth. After I talked to Matt about his smile and chief cosmetic complaints, we then moved onto the impressions stage of treatment. Following the standard Six Month Smiles protocol, we took records including upper and lower PVS impressions as well as bite registration. We then prepared direc- tions for the technical setup, all of which were sent off to the Six Month Smiles lab for preparation. A few days later, we received his individualized patient tray kit (PTK) that included his custom indirect bonding trays, which make accurate placement of the brackets a simple andstraightforwardprocess.Thenor- mal Six Month Smiles protocol for placing the brackets using the trays and tying the wires in was followed. Duringthefirsttwomonthlyvisits, I kept .014 wires and added on many wire ties to help the wires engage fully into the brackets. The next few months’ treatment included the .016 wires, then we moved up to .018 wires. I was surprised that at the seven- month mark, his lower teeth were beautifully straight and his occlusion was good, so we were able to remove the lower braces. Two weeks later, his upper teeth were aligned beautifully. We took his braces off and bonded #8 to complete his new look. Totaltreatmenttimewassevenand a half months. Matt was extremely happy with his new smile, and I was happy with the result. Cosmetic orthodontics with Six Month Smiles for adults can be very rewarding. When the patient does not want to go through comprehensive orthodontics, we now have a viable solution through Six Month Smiles. exhibitors6 Hinman Dental Meeting — March 27, 2014 Changing lives a smile at a time Ad Here at Hinman To learn more about Six Month Smiles for adults, stop by the booth, No. 1049. A case study 5 Before Six Month Smiles (Photos/Provided by Angie Nauman) 5 After Six Month Smiles

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