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Dental Tribune Chinese Edition

趋势及应用 23 结论 本文让牙医更好地理解了 关于根管治疗后的牙齿修复。已 非常清楚地表明大多数磨牙可能 不需要植桩,这样可降低植桩本 身所具有的和因植桩带来的额外 牙体组织缺失的风险,还为病人 节约了额外的治疗费用。这款声 波激活的、高充填性能的复合树 脂技术在提供良好适应性和强度 的同时,还进一步提什了堆塑核 体的速度和效率。 参考文献 1. Colman HL. Restoration of endodontically treated teeth. Dent Clin North Am. 1979;23:647-662. 2. Papa J, Cain C, Messer HH. Moisture content of vital vs endodonti- cally treated teeth. Endod Dent Trauma- tol. 1994;10:91-93. 3. Sedgley CM, Messer HH. Are endodontically treated teeth more brittle? J Endod. 1992;18:332-335. 4. Ho MH, Lee SY, Chen HH, et al. Three-dimensional finite element analysis of the effects of posts on stress distribution in dentin. J Prosthet Dent. 1994;72:367-372. 5. Trope M, Maltz DO, Tronstad L. Resistance to fracture of restored endodontically treated teeth. Endod Dent Traumatol. 1985;1:108-111. 6. Sorensen JA, Martinoff JT. Intracoronal reinforcement and coro- nal coverage: a study of endodonti- cally treated teeth. J Prosthet Dent. 1984;51:780-784. 7. Fuss Z, Lustig J, Katz A, et al. An evaluation of endodontically treated vertical root fractured teeth: impact of operative procedures. J Endod. 2001;27:46-48. 8. Ross IF. Fracture susceptibility of endodontically treated teeth. J Endod. 1980;6:560-565. 9. Reeh ES, Douglas WH, Messer HH. Stiffness of endodontically-treated teeth related to restoration technique. J Dent Res. 1989;68:1540-1544. 10. Reeh ES, Messer HH, Douglas WH. Reduction in tooth stiffness as a result of endodontic and restorative pro- cedures. J Endod. 1989;15:512-516. 11. Bergman B, Lundquist P, Sjögren U, et al. Restorative and end- odontic results after treatment with cast posts and cores. J Prosthet Dent. 1989;61:10-15. 12. Mentink AG, Meeuwissen R, Käyser AF, et al. Survival rate and failure characteristics of the all metal post and core restoration. J Oral Rehabil. 1993;20:455-461. 13. Hunter AJ, Feiglin B, Wil- liams JF. Effects of post placement on endodontically treated teeth. J Prosthet Dent. 1989;62:166-172. 14. Cheung W. A review of the management of endodontically treated teeth. Post, core and the final restoration. J Am Dent Assoc. 2005;136:611-619. 15. Massa F, Dias C, Blos CE. Re- sistance to fracture of mandibular premo- larsrestoredusingpost-and-coresystems. Quintessence Int. 2010;41:49-57. 16. Sorensen JA, Engelman MJ. Ferrule design and fracture resistance of endodontically treated teeth. J Prosthet Dent. 1990;63:529-536. 17. Hempton TJ, Dominici JT. Contemporary crown-lengthening therapy: a review. J Am Dent Assoc. 2010;141:647-655. 18. Ma PS, Nicholls JI, Junge T, et al. Load fatigue of teeth with dif- ferent ferrule lengths, restored with fiber posts, composite resin cores, and all-ceramic crowns. J Prosthet Dent. 2009;102:229-234. 19. Thompson J. Laboratory Re- search Report: Evaluation of SonicFill Composite. Fort Lauderdale, FL: Nova Southeastern University; October 2010. 20. Yapp R, Powers JM. Depth of cure of several composite restorative materials. Dent Advis Res Report. 2011;33:1. 21. Christensen GJ. Advantages and Challenges of Bulk-Fill Resin. CLI- NICIANS REPORT. 2012;5:1-2. Jackson博士于1972年毕业 于西弗吉尼亚大学牙医学院。他 是美国美容牙科学院注册会员, AGD注册会员,美国美容牙科学 院专科医师,同时是MDACA(粘 结剂和树脂相关)项目的负责人。 他在米德尔堡做全口修复和美容修 复的职业牙医师。他也发表了很多 关于美学和粘接的文章,并在各地 演讲。可以通过邮箱联系他本人: 作者信息 图10:注意SonicFill堆的核体与该病 人的第一磨牙中低粘度复合树脂的核 体,在适应性、密度、射线阻透性方 面的差异比较。 图9:颊侧视图显示核体提供的额外制备高度。图8:最终制备好的牙合面视图。图7:不粘器械的、具有压实感的声波激活复合树脂非 常容易雕塑形态。 图6:第二个5mm高的树脂从激活的尖端注入腔洞。 图5:大圆头的器械用来填压材料使边缘融合。图4:粘结剂固化后,启动前将SonicFill尖端放置于洞 底部。高频振动使材料液化并能被挤出,不再需要低 粘度流体树脂垫底。 图3: 测量牙齿轴壁从髓室底到顶部的深度为7.0mm。 上部有约2.0mm的冠向圆周包绕。 图2: 下颌第二磨牙根管治疗后的术前视图。

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