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today Chicago Midwinter Meeting Feb. 22, 2014

exhibitors 13Chicago Midwinter Meeting — Feb. 22, 2014 By Zirc Staff n The other day, a dental assistant namedMandysatdownwithapatient in operatory No. 2 for a simple crown prep procedure. Going through the procedure effortlessly, as she had many times before, Mandy and Dr. Pearson were wrapping up with only theplacementofthetemporarycrown left to execute. Mandy reached over to her opera- tory drawer to grab the temporary bond that is in the same place in all of the operatories. To her surprise, she realized there was no bonding agent stocked in its usual place. No big deal. She swiftly shuffled over to operatory No. 1 to that same drawer. Once again, she was sur- prised to see no bonding agent avail- able and, in its place, were a couple of impression trays and a few cotton rolls. Mandy was now getting a little frustrated, knowing that the new assistant they recently hired was just in that operatory doing a crown prep a couple hours ago. The assist- ant must have used the last of the bonding agent and did not restock the operatory. She also made a mess of the other procedural materials inside the drawer. By this time, Mandy was upset because her patient had been waiting for about five minutes as she grace- fully danced around other staff and patients to find a small bottle of bond- ing agent to complete her hour-long procedure. Mandy’s last resort was to go through sterilization to the back closetinhopesoffindingthisbonding agent in stock, and luckily, 10 were left. Five had expired, but the other five were good for the next couple of weeks. A total of seven minutes had gone by, and instead of being done with the procedure, Mandy and Dr. Pearson were placing the temporary crown five minutes later than the estimated procedure time and still had another crown prep patient sitting out in the waiting room. WouldMandyremembertorestock thatbondingagentintheoperatories? The portable drawer Atubisadentalpractice’sbestfriend. It keeps  operatory drawers clutter- free for commonly used items, stores only procedure-specific materials and can be placed in sterilization, ready for the next procedure, with no same-day prep needed. This eliminates the situation of depleted materials that are forgot- ten about prior to a procedure —  a situation that caused Mandy so many issues. The money maker With a cover, the tub can sit chairside, protecting and supplying everything an operatory drawer can. The most important difference between the drawer and the  den- tal tub  is restocking. You are only restocking one tub for your proce- dures, compared to keeping inven- tory in one, two or five operatory drawers. This will put a tight squeeze on your inventory, allowing a dental practice to save money usually wasted on throwing away expired procedural materials and by keeping better counts on the others. Save money and stress Ad Zirc helps you think outside the tub 8 see SAVE, page 14 5 (Photo/Provided by SharperPractice) Here in Chicago Recently, a passionate Zirc customer performed an in-depth case study on using Zirc’s products and techniques. Do you want to see this dental case study, which saved a practice $117,000?Orlearnaboutproductsthat can help your practice save money as well? Stop by the Zirc booth, No. 2908, and learn other ways the company can save you dollars and stress.
