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cosmetic dentistry_ beauty & science International Edition

I case report _ ceramic veneers _Case 1 Casedescription A24-year-oldmalepatientcametothepractice for improvement of the aesthetics of his anterior teeth. During the anamnesis, he reported dissatis- faction with the discolouration and shape of his maxillary incisors, but was satisfied with the co- lour of the rest of his teeth. The patient confirmed endogenous application of fluoride during child- hood, which may have been the aetiology of the existing discolouration. The patient’s priority was the least invasive prosthetic treatment with a natural and aesthetic restoration. Analysisofwhiteandredaesthetics Smile and intra-oral images (Figs. 1a & b) were taken, and diagnostic models were prepared. With the lips in rest position, 2–3 mm of the maxillary incisors was visible. The full length of the maxil- lary incisors and the anterior gingival margin were visible in a smile. The contour of the max- illary incisors appeared excessively rounded in relationtothepatient’smasculinefacialfeatures. Analysisofocclusion Diagnostic models were mounted in an artic- ulator after facebow registration and centric relation (CR) registration (Dawson’s technique). In CR, the first contacts occurred on the palatal cusps of the premolars on the right side. Prelimi- nary equilibration on the models was performed. The correction concerned the premolar palatal cusps (medial slopes) on the right side and then in the same way on the left side, and the buccal cusps of the premolars on both sides (medial slopes)withlateralmovements.Equilibrationwas performed until CR was in accordance with the maximum intercuspal position (CR = MIP) with preserved occlusion and until canine guidance on both sides during lateral movements was obtained. Then intra-oral equilibration was per- formed similar to the models. The equilibration Figs. 6a–c_Comparison of the teeth before and after treatment. The black and white photograph shows the texture of the veneer surfaces. Figs. 7a–c_Aesthetics before and after treatment. Perfect adaptation of the colour, shape and texture of the veneers compared with the patient’s natural teeth. Case 2: Figs. 8a & b_Exposure of the maxillary incisors during smiling and close-up of the stumps before treatment. Figs. 9a & b_The mock-up in the patient’s mouth. Exposure control of the teeth during smiling and in occlusion. Figs. 10a & b_Correction of the gingival margin. 20 I cosmeticdentistry 1_2014 Fig. 10bFig. 10aFig. 9b Fig. 9aFig. 8bFig. 8a Fig. 7cFig. 7bFig. 7a Fig. 6cFig. 6bFig. 6a CDE0114_18-25_Michalik 11.06.14 14:05 Seite 3