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cone beam international magazine of cone beam dentistry

Google Glass is currently only available in the US. When the device will be released to European markets is still unclear owing to some technical limitationsandthelackofdistributors,accordingto reports. The technology, however, is currently being experimented on for its future use in general and dental medicine. Last year, for example, Dental Tribune reported on the first maxillofacial surgery broadcast with the device, which took place at Hospital de Molina in Murcia in Spain. Completelydigitalsolutionshoweverarealready available in dental offices. BIOLASE, for example, offerssuchsolutionsandhasexpendedgreateffort onitsTotalTechnologySolution in recent years. In addition to its complete range of dental lasers,theUSdentaltechnology company now offers sophisti- cated imaging equipment and CAD/CAMsolutions,suchasthe GALAXY BioMill System, which allows digital fabrication of restorations chairside. “The adoption cycle of new technologies is growing in- creasingly shorter and more advanced technologies like the Waterlase will rapidly find their way into dental practices. Dentists that do not upgrade their equipment will likely be- gin to lose patients, become uncompetitive and lag behind,” BIOLASE CEO Federico Pigna- telliexplainedtoDentalTribune International (DTI) at the show. DTI CEO and publisher Torsten R. Oemus confirmed thisforward-lookingcorporate strategy by emphasising the strongpointsofthedigitalrev- olution:“Turningdentaloffices into high-tech playgrounds is indeed becoming a global trend, which reaps rewards for patients and dentists alike. Technology is what differen- tiates a modern dental office from a conventional one, in- creases patient flow, and ad- vancesdiagnosticandtreatment outcomes, which ultimately leads to increased revenues.” He invited dentists who are unsure about how digital technologies could benefit their practice to attend the Digital Den- tistry Show, the first edition of which will be held in autumn 2014 at the International Expodental show in Milan in Italy. Focusing entirely on digi- tal products and applications for dentistry, the unique expo format will not only showcase the latestproductsandsolutionsbyleadingproviders in the field, but also offer education in the form of lectures and webinars from 16 to 18 October. Information about what to expect from the eventandhowtoregisterisavailableontheevents website: I 47 meetings _ Amici di Brugg I cone beam2_2014 Dental Glass by Gerhò (Photo courtesy of Gerhò, Italy)