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cone beam international magazine of cone beam dentistry

meetings _ AO Annual Meeting I I 45cone beam2_2014 Approaching its 30th year, the AO is fortunate to have organization leadership and leadership development that are very carefully managed. We are all very excited to announce that Dr. Joseph Gian-Grasso, a periodontist from Philadelphia, was elected to serve as the 2014–2015 president of AO. He will follow in the footsteps of a very successful president, Stephen Wheeler, DDS. Dr. Gian-Grasso —along with the rest of us—ill remain committed to establishing a nexus where specialists and gen- eralists from around the world can come together tolearnandstayup-to-dateontherapidlyadvanc- ing clinical research and innovations in the dental implant and tissue engineering industries. _HaveyoualreadystartedplanningforAO2015? Yes, because it’s AO’s 30th anniversary, we’re all very excited about it. Mark the calendar now to join usinSanFranciscofrom12to14March2015,where weplantoonthepowerofcollaborationtoadvance the art and science of dental implant therapy. _Can you give us a few glimpses at what’s in storefornextyear? The opening symposium will feature teams of doctors presenting on how they manage patients together for optimal results. The keynote speaker will be Dr Daniel Alam, who was a member of the multi-disciplinary team of doctors and surgeons at Cleveland Clinic who performed the first near-total facetransplantintheUnitedStates.Hewillspeakto thecriticalimportanceofdifferentdisciplinescom- ingtogethertosupportapatient’smedical,surgical and emotional needs to make them whole again. AO also will take a look at what the academy has learned throughout its 30-year history and summarize current recommendations to address the most challenging conditions in implant den- tistry. AO has enlisted some of the foremost au- thorities in both surgical and restorative dentistry to share their knowledge and views to support this initiative. Keeping with AO tradition, we also want to ensure the closing symposium doesn’t disappoint. It will be an interactive session where atten- dees can vote on keypads to give their opinion on various treatment options for presented cases. A panel of experts will also discuss and debate the options. _What are you most excited about for the meeting? At the annual meeting, we are excited to build on AO’s past and chart the way for its future. This will be done via top-notch surgical and restorative tracks, as well as a “Morning with the Masters,” for which AO has put together an outstanding group of experts to a give at- tendees pearls that can be used in the office on Monday morning. Ultimately, patient safety and benefit must be based on sound evidence —that’s what the academy is all about and our annual meetings are as well. To learn more about AO membership, please visit our website ( _Thankyouverymuchfortheinterview._ The 29th annual meeting of the Academy of Osseointegration.