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Dental Tribune Italian Edition

25SpecialeLaser Tribune Italian Edition - Maggio 2014 Il Laser è uno strumento che non si sostituisce alle metodiche tradizionali ma può offrire benefici aggiuntivi, se uti- lizzato con protocolli e parametri adeguati. Il laser a Diodi è anche indicato in caso di mucosite e perimplantite. Innumerevoli sono i casi clinici, con follow-up, ampiamente illustrati. Il DVD illustra dettagliatamente strumenti, tecniche STEP by STEP, il Modus Operandi, i protocolli clinici, la gestione com- pleta del paziente parodontale dalla prima visita alla rivalutazione che culmina nella terapia di mantenimento per ottenere la stabilità clinica dei casi trattati. La strumentazione meccanica manuale e ad ultrasuoni, sempre sito-specifica, viene descritta in dettaglio attraverso animazioni e video didattici. DURATA: 40 MINUTI CIRCA ACQUISTALO subito! 80,00 euro+ iva MARISA RONCATI il laser a diodo tecniche operative step by step, applicazioni, protocolli e casi clinici con follow-up DVD N O V I T À ASSOLUTA COME ORDINARE • TUEOR SERVIZI Srl • Corso Sebastopoli, 225 • 10137 Torino • Tel. +39 011 0463350 • • << pagina 24 both pulpal and periodontal prob- lems,3 bone loss,4 severe intraoral burns,5 arcing, and that within three seconds of exposure to a dental im- plant electrosurgical units can cause failure of osseointegration and loss of an implant.6,7 In clinical practice, with today’s emphasis on the more esthetically pleasing composite res- ins and newer porcelains, there are still many metallic materials used intraorally, including cast partial denture frameworks, gold, amalgam, orthodontic brackets and semi-pre- cious alloys. Diode lasers, unlike their electrosurgical counterparts, show littleinteractionwithmetallicobjects used intraorally. It is important to re- member that due to the laser’s ability to reflect off mirrored surfaces and potentially cause eye damage, that all members of the dental team as well as the patient must wear laser safety glasses for eye protection if they are within the nominal ocular hazard zone (NOHZ) during laser operation. This zone is most often between 3 and 7 feet, but some diodes can have extended NOHZ ranges of 40 feet. Orthodontic patients will often ex- hibit gingival hyperplasia when in brackets that can make it difficult to work on them. This overgrowth of tis- sue can be due to poor oral hygiene, space-closing mechanics, excess ce- ment or a combination of factors. >> pagina 26 Fig. 6 - Four healing cuffs in place in maxilla immediately after uncovery with the diode laser. Fig. 8 - Abutments in place for both teeth. Fig. 9 - Soft tissue on margins preventing full seating of crowns. Fig. 7 - Replace select implant fixtures for upper right premolars.