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implants - international magazine of oral implantology International Edition

I meetings Valentin explained that osteotomes compress cancellousbonetoprovideabetterbonequalityand thus a good primary stability of the endosseous im- plant.Thetechniqueisbasedonsavingasmuchnat- ural bone as possible. As drilling the pilot hole is al- ways accompanied by bone loss, the use of hollow osteotomesisrecommendedtocombinetheadvan- tagesofconventionalosteotomeswiththesimulta- neousremovalofboneattheimplantsite.Thesharp edges of the hollow instrument can manually be pushed or inserted into the alveolar bone with gen- tle taps on the proximal end of the working element when the jawbone is relatively soft, such as in areas of D3 or D4 bone (according to Misch’s classifica- tion). Valentin emphasised that a low risk of overheat- ing the bone compared with the use of rotating in- struments is another advantage, particularly when using navigation templates. Meeting attendees later tested the various tech- niques,includingdirectandindirectsinuslift,onar- tificial specimens and were impressed with the eas- iness of these techniques. Attendeeswerealsoveryinterestedinthesecond hands-on workshop. The workshop presenters, Tamimi and M. Vollmer, demonstrated a surgical technique in which the inferior alveolar nerve is placed in a posterior position to increase the ability toplacelongerimplantsinamandibleinwhichthere is significant resorption of the posterior ridge. Tamimi gave a clear theoretical introduction to the topic, and with M. Vollmer demonstrated the proce- dure step by step with the aid of a video. Although Tamimiexplainedthattheprocedurehaslimitedap- plication,attendeesmadeuseofthepracticalpartto refreshtheirspecialistknowledgeoftheanatomyof the mandible by performing the nerve transposi- tioning technique on porcine jaws. The Japanese colleagues were very interested in sharingintheDGZI’svastexperienceandinadopting itssuccessfuleducationaldesign.Atpresent,thistype ofpostgraduateeducationisnotofferedanywherein Japan;however,Hayashihasproposedtheimplemen- tationofthefirstimplantologycurriculuminJapanat aprivateuniversityinYokohama. AllattendeesoftheISOIconferenceinJapanwere met with great hospitality, and there was an exceed- inglypositiveoverallattitudetowardstheDGZI,which bodeswellforcontinuedsuccessfulcollaborationand scientific exchange. The boards of both associations agreed that the ISOI meeting in Japan and the DGZI congress in Germany should be set events in the cal- endarforbothsocietiesinfuture. Weber stated the following in his closing speech: “Annualmeetingsofprofessionalsocietiestendtobe- come routine. However, two factors can prevent this from happening: the topic to be discussed and the peoplewhoaretomeeteachother.Dentalimplantol- ogy is always developing, practically guaranteeing that there is something new to be discussed and to learn. The people we met at this meeting are very ac- tive,open-mindedandinternationallyoriented.Thus, such a meeting does not only affirm old friendships, but is also a good opportunity to meet with new col- leaguesandtoestablishnewfriendships. Having been in contact with Japanese colleagues in private practice, as well as working at various uni- versities, I am very happy and honoured to be part of suchameetingasorganisedbytheISOIthisyear.From experience, I can say that Japanese organisation and hospitality are unsurpassed in the world. I would like tothanktheISOIorganisingcommitteeforallitsfruit- ful efforts to make this meeting another success. In addition to these acknowledgements, I would like to expressmysincerebestwishesnotonlyforthismeet- ing, but also for the continued outstanding relation- shipbetweenourtwosocieties.” Sugiyama’sandWeber’sclosinginvitations:“Look- ingforwardtoameetingwithallofyouandthanking youagainonbehalfoftheboardandmembersofour society, we hope to see many colleagues from Japan at our meeting this year in Düsseldorf on 26 and 27September.” “We invite all our DGZI friends from Germany to join us in Japan on 15 and 16 November in Osaka to experience the warmth and hospitality of the Japan- ese people and colleagues. So, we hope to see you in Düsseldorf,Germany,andinOsaka,Japan.”_ 48 I implants1_2014