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implants - international magazine of oral implantology International Edition

I meetings _International Society of Oral Implantology (ISOI) President Dr Naotaka Sugiyama, Vice-Presi- dentDrYamawaki,ConferencePresidentDrTomohiro Ezaki, and Prof. Shoji Hayashi from the Kanagawa Dental College in Yokohama hosted a superb confer- ence in Tokyo in Japan on 16 and 17 November 2013. In his opening speech, Sugiyama highlighted the im- portance of collaboration with the German Associa- tion of Dental Implantology (DGZI) and of scientific exchange between the two partner associations for the Japanese members, who hold German dentistry standardsinhighregard,especiallyinthefieldoforal implantology. The ISOI, which has more than 1,000 members,establishedtheDGZIJapanSectionin2007. Before presentations started on the first morning ofthemeeting,Sugiyamareviewedtheassociation’s activitiesandrelevantinformationoverthelastyear, amongthiswastheparticipationofISOIboardmem- bers in the October 2013 DGZI congress in Berlin in Germany. The ISOI and DGZI reaffirmed their part- nership for the exchange of scientific and technical information in dental implantology today and in the future.SugiyamagaveawarmwelcometotheDGZI’s newly elected president, Prof. Heiner Weber, Medical DirectorandheadoftheDepartmentofProsthodon- tics at the University of Tübingen, and expressed his hope for further close co-operation. TheISOIPresidentannouncedtheDGZI2014con- gress to be held in Düsseldorf in Germany on 26 and 27September2014.Hestatedthathewaslookingfor- wardtomanyoftheISOI’sfriendsandcolleaguestak- ing part. He stated that if enough colleagues from Japan attended it would be possible to offer simulta- neous interpreting into Japanese for the presenta- tions. In addition, he encouraged ISOI members with an authority in implantology certificate or a clinical certificate from the ISOI to become an expert or spe- cialist in implantology through the DGZI. Before the congressbegan,theGermanguestshadtheopportu- nity to witness the high standards of the written and oral examinations for the authority and clinical cer- tificates. The main congress topics were the opportunities andrisksofaesthetic,surgicalandprostheticimplan- tology, as well as the use of dental CT or CBCT, anaes- thesiology and otorhinolaryngology. Lectures for hy- gienistsanddentaltechnicianswereheldinparallel. More than 500 attendISOIannual meetinginTokyo Author_Dr Rolf Vollmer, Germany 46 I implants1_2014