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implants - international magazine of oral implantology International Edition

_Whatisthetargetgroupofthenewsystem? Mr Esinger: We address users who want to im- plantfast,withonlyafewdrillingsteps,andachieve a predictable and secure treatment result. To be more precise, these are users who are looking for a cost-efficient alternative to available premium providers without having to make compromises in quality. We also address the large number of inter- national users who have been missing a self-tap- ping, tapered implant with platform switch in the BEGO implant system. _With the new system, you promise implan- tologists fast and easy handling. How do you achievethis? Dr Chuchracky: The surgical protocol was completely redeveloped and is accompanied by high-performance drilling tools. With the help of the previously-described thread geometry and the especially effective processing of the drill channel, a two- or three-step strategy is sufficient in more than 90 per cent of the cases. Inaddition,thetapereddesignoftheimplantre- duces the implantation effort significantly. _What is the significance of micro threads in theimplantneckofthenewsystem? Dr Chuchracky: Themicrothreadsintheimplant neckhavebeendesignedbionicallyinordertoreduce the application of force in the crestal bone signifi- cantlybythegeometryofthethreads.Thiseffectwas illustratedinthesimulationbyProf.Dr-IngM.Flach’s teamattheUniversityofKoblenz,Germany.Thisde- sign, which has been registered for patent approval, willreduceboneresorptioncausedbyanapplication of high forces. Mr Esinger: At the moment, the University of KoblenzandotherselectedEuropeanuniversitiesare conducting further investigations in this field. We will keep you updated! All previous investigations have been showing that we are on the right track. _With an implant diameter of 3.0 mm up to 5.5mmandalengthof7to15mm,youcoverarela- tivelybroadspectrum.Whatistheideabehind? Mr Esinger: That’s right. At BEGO Implant Sys- tem, we see our task in providing users with prod- ucts which can be expected by a company perceiv- ing itself as a system provider. Therefore, we value havinga“real”3.0mmimplantamongourproducts by mid-2014, which is applicable in borderline indi- cations such as narrow gaps. Dr Chuchracky:Anotherborderlineindicationis coveredbytheshort7mmimplants.Theseimplants areappliedwhentheverticalbonedimensionislim- ited and extensive augmentations must be avoided. The availability of shorter and thicker (< 6 mm) im- plantsisdemandedbyonlyafewcustomers.There- fore, 7 mm implants are seen as an adequate and predictable solution, completing our system. _Some will prophesy that this is more like taking thebullbythehornsthanadeliberatedecision.How doyourespondtothesecritics? Mr Esinger: Markets change constantly. It is our task to observe those changes and to assess its im- plications for the future strategy of BEGO Implant Systems.Tobehonest,wedon’thaveanyobjections toourusersthinkingwe“takethebullbythehorns”. Weactuallylikeit.Seriously,weneitherhavethere- sources nor are we willing to undertake or finance any ill-considered steps. You know that developing an implant system is only the beginning. We oper- ate internationally and have to cover the high costs for worldwide certifications and research. _Will you keep us updated on the developments ofyour„offspring“? Mr Esinger: Of course we will. _What can we expect from BEGO in the upcom- ingmonths? Mr Esinger: You will be surprised! We continue toworkonmanyinnovativeproductswhichwillen- hance the implant market in 2014. Thank you for this interview. interview I Figs. 3a and b_The new BEGO Semados® RS und RSX implant lines with micro thread structure at the implant neck. Fig. 4_High-purity, homogenous, blasted and etched TiPurePlus surface; the same surface as in the S and RI implants. Fig. 5_The tried and tested internal tapered connection with its 45° medium taper angle, internal hex anti-rotation protection and platform switching. I 41implants1_2014 BEGO Implant Systems GmbH & Co.KG Technologiepark Universität, Wilhelm-Herbst-Straße 1 28359 Bremen,Germany Tel.:+49 421 2028-246 _contact implants Fig. 3a Fig. 3b Fig. 4 Fig. 5