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implants - international magazine of oral implantology International Edition

prosthetic and craft-dominated technical dental methods (analogue). Computer-supported plan- ningwasnotemployed,sothatthesurgeonwasnot guidedbutimplantedfreelyinaccordancewiththe surroundingstructures.Thisrequiresapreciseclin- ical and radiographic analysis of the initial situa- tion, appropriate planning and a high degree of ex- pertise. Impression taking also followed conven- tional techniques. A speciality here is the use of a two-part hybrid abutment as the base for the pressed ceramic ve- neer. In order to obtain a biochemically optimal ti- tanium bonding base, a straight CONELOG Es- thomicabutmentwascustomisedinplaceoftheal- ternativeCAD/CAMcomponent.Thesecondaryzir- conium oxide abutment was waxed up. Then, both components were scanned. This is where the CAD/CAM process came into play with the fine- tuning of the design on the screen and machine fabricationofthezirconiumoxidesecondaryabut- ment. Despite using a titanium primary abutment, thedentaltechnicianachievedanaturallighteffect by the consequent use of fluorescing materials. As all components of the implant-supported restorationwerebondedinthelaboratory,theden- tist was able to screw them in place together as a single piece and in a single session. This meant fewer treatment sessions for the patient, who did not have to return to the practice after impression taking until final insertion. The aesthetic try-in be- fore final bonding of the individual parts was per- formed in the laboratory. The procedure described is only possible in close co-operation and with full confidence between the team partners._ Editorial note: A list of references is available from the publisher. Joint practice Drs Happe Schützenstraße 2 48143 Münster Germany _contact implants implants implants implants You can also subscribe via aevieceroteergayberehI ssi4( etadlawener AAIDEMSUMEOottnes noitpircsbusehT.noitpircs ttirwasselnu,ynamreGfo mreGrofTAATVVAdnagnippihs fonoitpircsbuslairteerfa stnanlpmmpi otebircsbusotekildluowI.)raeyrepseu alpmi s,ynamreG,gizpieL92240,92.rtsniebloH,GA alitnuraeyyreveyllacitamotuadewenereblliw rehtfosyad41nihtiwtnessinoitallecnacnet TAATVVAdnagnippihsgnidulcni64€,sremotsucnam stnaan ehtotroirpskeewxis sinoitallecnacnettirwa -buslairtehtfotpiecer edistuosremotsucrofT gnidulcni44€rof d.aidem-sumeo@essarg 8414394+xaxFaivylpeR .etadlawener emaNtsriF emaNtsaL ynapmoC ttS ed iam-EreproGAAIDEMSUMEOot092-4748 :otl U teertS ytnuoC/ytiC/PIZ liaM-E e MEOotnoitallecnacnettirwa elbamaI:noitacoverfoecitoN rutangiS G,gizpieL92240,92.rtsniebloH,GAAIDEMSU etfasyad41nihtiwnoitpircsbusehtekoverote .ynamreG gnidnesybredroymre tfirhcsretnU umeo@essarg:liaM-E 14394+:xaF 394+:.leTTe 40,92eßartsniebloH SUMEO ed.aidem-su 092-47484 0-47484143 gizpieL9224 GAAIDEMS AD