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implants - international magazine of oral implantology International Edition

NEWS 48 I implants4_2013 New research has suggested that samples of exhaled breath could be a cost-effective and cheap alternative for diagnosing lung cancer comparedtoconventionalmethods.Inthemost extensive study to date, the researchers were able to diagnose the majority of cases of lung cancercorrectlyusingaspecialscreeningtech- nology. In the study, researchers at the University of Latvia collected breath samples from 252 lung cancer patients, 223 patients diagnosed with otherlungdiseasesandhealthyindividuals,265 non-smokers,and 210 smokers.Assessing the samples with an electronic nose, a technology that detects different profiles of volatile organic compounds(VOCs)inbreathsamples,128non- smokersand114smokerswerecorrectlydiag- nosed as having lung cancer. Overall, only ten people were misdiagnosed. Although the re- searchers have not yet clearly identified which VOCs are linked to different diseases,this study suggeststhatthismethodcanbeusedtodiffer- entiate between lung cancer, other lung dis- eases and healthy people. According to the Eu- ropean Lung Foundation, lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer mortality in Europe and worldwide. It accounts for an estimated 20 per centofallcancerdeaths.Thefindingswerepre- sented at the European Respiratory Society’s annualcongressthatwasheldfrom7to11Sep- tember in Barcelona. Breath tests may help Diagnose lung cancer quickly Demographic data shows that populations around the world are becoming increasingly older, which leaves dental professionals with a high number of compromised patients and risk factors when it comes to dental implant treat- ment. Therefore, the demand for products that mightreducetheneedforinvasivegraftingpro- cedures is high. Straumann intends to meet the demand by broadening its Roxolid SLActive implant portfo- lio. At the EAO congress in Dublin, the global marketleaderindentalimplantologyintroduced its unique dental implant material Roxolid for all diameters and all implant lines. Moreover, the company announced the launch of a new 4 mm short Roxolid SLActive implant line to be used in clinicalcaseswithlimitedverticalspace,aswith severelyatrophiedjawbone.AllRoxolidSLActive implantsfeaturethenewLoximtransferpieceto simplify the handling. The combination of the highmechanicalstrengthofRoxolidwiththeex- cellent osseointegration properties of the hy- drophilicSLActivesurfacemayallowdentalpro- fessionalstoavoidGBRproceduresbychoosing smaller sized implants,Straumann said. Research has shown that the use of smaller di- ameters or shorter implant lengths can reduce the invasiveness of implant treatments and in- crease patient acceptance if invasive grafting procedures can be eliminated.Therefore, clini- cians can reduce the treatment time, preserve vital peri-implant structures, decrease post- surgical complications, and gain new implant patients by offering products that seek to elimi- nate guided bone regeneration procedures. In these cases, patients can benefit from a less traumatic,lessexpensiveandshortertreatment with a lifelong implant solution.All implants are covered by Straumann’s lifelong implant war- ranty. Straumann sets New standards with Roxolid SLActive [PICTURE: ©SEBASTIAN KAULITZKI] From 13 to 15 September,Boston/USA became the meet- ing point of renowned speakers from Germany, Italy and the USA.They all followed the exclusive invitation by Bicon Dental Implants to their International VIP Meeting 2013 at the Harvard Club of Boston. In addition to numerous implantological presen- tations and exceptional eveningevents,avisitto the Bicon headquarters was an essential part of the diversified pro- gramme.The event was hostedbyProf.DrMauro Marincola/Rome, Italy. His opening remark was that shortness does not always mean a disadvantage—a referencetotheBiconShortImplants,whichhavebeenap- plied in the practice successfully for over 28 years and for which Bicon has become famous. SHORT® Implants were introduced to the market in 1985. Since then, they offer innovative solutions for implantolo- gistsworldwide.Thespecialplateaudesignmakestheap- plicationofshortimplantspossible.Incontrasttootherim- plant systems, the Bicon system shows restorative flexi- bility which is achieved by the 360° universal positioning of the abutments. In addition, the “sloping shoulder” re- sults in excellent aesthetics of the gingiva.Since the bone is supported by the implant shoulder,it can in turn support and thus preserve the interproximal papilla. Numerous international speakers gave recent insight into the world of implantology,among the Bicon presidentVin- cent J.Morgan,DMD,USA,with his speech“Past,Present, and Future of Bicon”. Boston welcomes International VIP Meeting 2013