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today ADX Sydney 2014

science & practice14 ADX14 Sydney Many aspects in dentistry have changedinthelastdecade.Techno- logical innovations like CAD/CAM Systems, CBCT (Cone Beam Com- puted Tomography) and digital im- aging are now a reality in many practices around the world. Dental education is also wit- nessing positive changes owing to an increase in new technological tools that have become recently available to the profession. The in- ternet, for example, allows us to take continuing dental education, webinarsandevenobtainCECred- its without having to leave our of- fices. We can study, discuss and even outline treatment plan cases using a variety of user-friendly software options through mobile devices like tablets or smart phones from the comfort of our homes. This technological revolution in dentaltraininghasalsobenefitsfor the patients. Nowadays, patients are able to conduct extensive re- search online and access lots of in- formation in regard to dental treat- ments and protocols. Online re- search and education allows pa- tientstofeelmorecomfortablewith their decision by alleviating fears that stems from doubt and misun- derstanding. With better education, patients are not only able to seek the best possible treatment; they also challenge us to be better informed professionals. Globalization has opened the doors of many dental practices to the entire world. Clini- cianscannowattractpatientsfrom different countries and cultures throughstronginternetmarketing. This concept of dental tourism has encouraged dental professionals to become more efficient with their time they use for providing quality servicetopatients.Withthehelpof current dental technology, high qualitydentalcarecanbeprovided with great time savings, allowing patients to travel for quality dental care at measurable savings when compared to dental care in their home countries. With the continued develop- ment of new dental materials and stronger bonding systems we can now practice minimally invasive dentistry, maintaining as much healthytoothstructureaspossible. With this approach we can save more dentine and enamel, natural materials that will always outper- form manmade dental materials. Thepresentandfutureindentistry must be focused on prevention and patient education, reducing the needs for unnecessary treatments while providing patients with the highest level of personal care. We must not forget the ethical responsibilities that we as health care providers must respect in our care for each patient. We must al- waystakeourtimetodevelopacor- rectmedicalhistory,aswellasclin- ical and radiographic evaluations. The most important part of our work however is listening. We must take the time to listen to our patients and to hear what they are saying and often what they are not saying.Theyhavecometousforan- swers, but we must first listen in- tentlytoproperlyformulateourso- lutions. We also need to take our time to propose the best possible treatment plan which in many cases may require an interdiscipli- nary approach, seeking the advice of other trusted colleagues. This collaborative approach will help us avoid performing unnecessary procedures, and guides us in the correct way of treatment. As dental professionals, we are fortunate to live in this age of ad- vanced technology and communi- cation.Remembernottoallowyour dailyobligationsatyourpracticeto distance you from your patients, fromyourfamilyorfromyourother passions in life. Always take some time off to practice your favourite sport or hobby. Make sure you pro- tect yourself properly while work- ing, caring for your eyes and joints, andpromoteapositiveworkingen- vironment for your team with a commitment to teamwork. Embrace technology. Take ad- vantage of continuing enrichment and education. And take time to care for each other and for your- selves. Remember that happiness and fulfillment in our dental ca- reersisnotonlythedestination,but also the journey. Dr Julián Conejo Gutiérrez is cur- rently professor at the Universidad LatinadeCostaRicainRincóndeSa- banilla in Costa Rica and visiting professorattheUniversadIntercon- tinental Mexico in Mexico City. He also maintains a private practice specialised in prosthodontics and implantology with CAD/CAM tech- nology,inparticular.HeistheDirec- tor of Perlas de Porcelana Dental Laboratory in San Jose, and is the founder of www.jceducacionden-, a website dedicated to on- line dental education. Julian was awarded the Young Clinician Award at the Nobel Biocare World Tour, in Mexico City, 2008, and serves as a consultant to several international dental corporations. This Friday morning,hewillbelecturingonaes- thetic restorations with new ce- ramicmaterialsaspartoftheADX14 continuing professional develop- ment programme. AD It is the journey,not only the destination An international view on dental education and dental careers By Prof Julián Conejo Gutiérrez,Costa Rica Prof Julián Conejo Gutiérrez