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today SCANDEFA Copenhagen 2014

videnskab & praksis 9SCANDEFA Copenhagen 2014 og industriens side. Husk på, at selvom der kunne udvikles nye materialer inden for en tids- ramme på et eller to år, ville klini- ske afprøvninger af sikkerhed og effekt og myndighedsgodkendel- ser tage væsentlig længere tid. De praktiserende tandlæger har også en vigtig rolle her, da de kan del- tage i forskningsnetværk, der eva- luerer nye materialer og identifi- cerer spørgsmål, der skal forskes i, for ikke at nævne arbejde for at skaffeforskningsmidlerhosderes landes politikere. For et mere fyldestgørende svar på dit spørgsmål vil jeg hen- vise til de mødeberetninger, der netop er blevet publiceret i no- vember måneds nummer af Ad- vances in Dental Research, et e-til- læg til Journal of Dental Research. Med fremkomsten af forebyg- gende tandteknik, stamcelle- forskning og forfinelse af tan- derstatninger vil restaure- ringsmaterialer så blive foræl- dede en dag? Tandrestaureringsmaterialer eralleredeforældedeellernæsten forældede hos den socialt privile- gerede post-fluor-generation. Vo- res største udfordring er at adres- sere behovene for oral sundhed hos de socialt udsatte og sårbare populationer. IADR har en forsk- ningsdagsorden for nedsættelse af disse uligheder med hensyn til oralsundhedpåtværsafpopulati- oner, og forhåbentlig vil vi nå til et punkt,hvortandrestaureringerer et særsyn for alle. Mange tak for interviewet. The adoption of the Minamata ConventioninJapanrecentlymade way for a ban on mercury-contain- ing products on a worldwide scale. Provision was also made for phas- ing down the use of and trade in dental amalgam. today interna- tionalhadtheopportunitytospeak with the Executive Director of the International Association for Den- tal Research (IADR), Christopher H. Fox, who attended four of the in- tergovernmental negotiating com- mittee sessions on behalf of the dental profession, about the im- pact this could have on dentistry and the future of dental amalgam as a restorative dental material. DTI:TherecentlyadoptedMina- mata Convention on Mercury includes provisions on phasing down dental amalgam on a global scale. What impact do you think this will have on the dental community and particu- larlyrestorativedentistryinthe long run? Christopher Fox: I think it must be first pointed out that the Minamata Convention is a very broad treaty designed to reduce all use of and international trade in mercury, as well as the demand for mercury in products and processes. In addition, it is intend- ed to address the need for the re- duction of atmospheric emissions of mercury, as well as mercury re- leases on land and in water. Dental amalgam is included in thetreatyasamercury-addedprod- uct contributing to the global de- mand for mercury. In this regard, it is important to note that the treaty calls for phasing down the use of dental amalgam, as opposed to phasingoutorbanningtheuseofit. This will give the industry and pro- fession time to make a transition and preserve dental restorative choices for our profession and pa- tients. One of the provisions for phas- ing down dental amalgam is for countries to set national objectives aimed at dental caries prevention and health promotion, thereby minimising the need for any dental restoration. A greater emphasis on prevention and health promotion isindeedwelcomeandwillprovide the greatest benefit to populations. Another provision promotes re- searchanddevelopmentofalterna- tive dental restorative materials. So, in the long run, dentistry and restorative dentistry, in particular, will have improved dental restora- tive materials from which to choose for their patients. You were involved in some of the intergovernmental negoti- ating committee sessions in the run-up to the Convention. What were the most discussed issues in formulating the treaty, and didtheoutcomemeettheexpec- tations of those involved in den- tistry? The most discussed dental amalgam issue was a ban versus a phase-down. Led by the Responsi- bleOfficerfortheWHOGlobalOral Health Programme, Dr Poul Erik Petersen, a coalition of concerned dental organisations was able to show country negotiators that a ban would be detrimental to popu- lation oral health. Dental amalgam is a safe and effective dental restoration and remains the best restorative choice in many clinical situations or health system situa- tions. As with any complex negoti- ation, the outcome has met many people’s expectations, but there are those who would have pre- ferred a phase-out of dental amal- 50 års erfaring [*] Baseret på forskning af Strategic Data Marketing. Dental produktkategorier omfatter stole, levering systemer, lys og kabinet. © 2014 A-dec Inc. Alle rettigheder forbeholdt. At være tandlægernes top valg i årtier * er kun begyndelsen. Uanset om det er at fremme avanceret tandpleje eller sætte standarden for klinik ergonomi, enhver foranstaltning af A-dec succes er et resultat af kvalitet gennem omsorg. valgte A-dec - mere end de næste tre konkurrenter tilsammen. har investeret i A-dec udstyr. og værdi. bedste bedre, det er grunden til, at fremtiden ser stærk ud. Se os på Besøg stand C3-006B og se mere hos ab dental service a/s. ab dental service a/s A.C. Illumsvej 27 8600 Silkeborg Tlf. 86814800 AD
