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today SCANDEFA Copenhagen 2014

industri 19SCANDEFA Copenhagen 2014 Producent af dentaludstyr SOREDEX har forbedret billedkvali- tetenforsitdentalescanningssystem CRANEX 3D med SOREDEX Ad- vanced Reconstruction Algorithm (SARA) og SOREDEX Metal Artefact Reduction (SMAR). De nye teknolo- gier gør det muligt for klinikere at se små anatomiske detaljer, som for ek- sempel små frakturer eller endodon- tiske rodfyldninger, og reducerer virkningenafmetalogandretætrønt- genfaste genstande på 3-D-billeder, dersomregelgiverartefakter,somty- piskvisersigsomstriberogskygger. CRANEX 3D med den ny ENDO 3D-tilstand henvender sig til specia- lister i endodonti, der kræver meget højbilledopløsning.SystemetsEndo- scanningstilstande giver den nøjag- tighed,derernødvendigforendodon- tisk scanning, med 85 μm voxels- tørrelse og SMAR (90kV, 10mA), si- gerproducenten. Ifølge Soredex muliggør Easy- Scout og PickPoint nøjagtig positio- neringafFOVialledentaleogfaciale områder. Den justerbare rigide tin- dingestøtte og motorstyrede hages- tøttesikrerhøjstabilitetvedallefaci- ale FOV-positioner under 3-D-scan- ningogminimererdermedbevægel- sesartefakter. Med den nyskabende patientpositionering bliver CBCT- scanning i CRANEX 3D smidig og hurtig. CRANEX3DfraSOREDEX,somer designet til at opfylde behovene i al- menpraksis såvel som inden for im- plantologi, ortodonti, endodonti og oral kirurgi, giver tandlægepraksis- serog-klinikkeretafdemestdynami- skedentalescanningssystemer.Med scanningstilstande som panorama, valgfricefalometriogConeBeam3D er det et fremragende værktøj til nøjagtig diagnostik, behandlings- planlægning og forberedelse af små kirurgiske indgreb. Med valget mel- lemtovisningsfelterogfireopløsnin- ger kombinerer CRANEX 3D diagno- stisknøjagtighed,hurtigscanningog lavdosis. SOREDEX, FINLAND DIGITAL DENTAL DANMARK Stand C1-018C CRANEX 3D Warm 3D Obturation System specially matched with RECIPROC® one file endo GUTTAFUSION ® for RECIPROC ® RECIPROCATE and SMILE? one file endo Endo Easy Efficient® Do you already More about GUTTAFUSION® For more information please visit your preferred VDW partner! NORDENTA PLANDENT ZENITH No need for size verifiers! SCANDEFA OFFER! Valid April 2014 Order 16 blisters of RECIPROC® files and get your GUTTAFUSION® for RECIPROC® Starter Kit for free! Homogeneous filling due to excellent condensation Smart handling of the obturator Simplified separation of the handle Faster retreatment AD Dental equipment manufac- turer SOREDEX has improved im- age quality for its dental imaging system CRANEX 3D with SORE- DEXAdvancedReconstructionAl- gorithm (SARA) and SOREDEX MetalArtefactReduction(SMAR). The new technologies allows clini- cians to detect clearly small anatomical details like small frac- tures or endodontic root fillings andreducetheeffectofmetalsand otherdenseradiopaqueobjectson the3Dimagewhichusuallycreate artifacts that are typically dis- playedasstripesandshadows. The CRANEX 3D with the new ENDO 3D mode aims at endodon- tists who require very high image resolution. Its Endo imaging modes provide accuracy required for endodontic imaging with 85μmvoxelsizeandSMAR(90kV, 10mA),themanufacturersaid. According to Soredex, EasyScout and PickPoint enable accurate FOV positioning in all dentalandfacialareas.Adjustable rigid temple support and motor- izedchinrestensurehighstability with all facial FOV positions dur- ing 3D imaging minimising move- ment artifacts. With the novel pa- tient positioning, the CBCT imag- ing in CRANEX 3D smooth and fast. Designed for the needs of gen- eral practice, as well as in implan- tology, orthodontics, endodontics, oralsurgery,theCRANEX3Dfrom SOREDEX offers dental practices and clinics one of the most dy- namic dental imaging systems. Withpanoramic,optionalcephalo- metricandConeBeam3Dimaging modes,ithasexcellentcapabilities for accurate diagnostics, treat- ment planning and preparation of small surgeries. With two selec- tablefieldsofviewandfourresolu- tion selections, CRANEX 3D com- binesdiagnosticaccuracy,fastim- agingandlowdose. SOREDEX, FINLAND DIGITALDENTALDANMARK Stand C1-018C CRANEX 3D
