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Dental Tribune United Kingdom Edition

13Endo TribuneFebruary 2014United Kingdom EditionUnited Kingdom Edition Shattering the status quo 01733 315203 Shattering the status quo E L E V A T I N G D E N T I S T RY 541C 01733 315203 Be among the first to see the NEW XV1 from Orascoptic. Call 01733 315203 or visit The world’s FIRST wireless loupe + headlight in one N EW XV1_Shattering_UK_A4.indd 1 2/26/13 3:11 PM apical twist back/tug back could be achieved (resistance to rota- tional or vertical displacement of the point once in place). Once that was achieved the point was marked at the coronal end, this leaves the point long, essentially overshooting beyond the apex, but giving an apical seal. This “overshoot” is then removed by once again measuring the GP and simply snipping off the excess from the apical end (figure 7). The shortened GP has essentially a custom thickness at the apex now and fits snuggly into the ca- nal, hopefully, achieving an apical seal. The canals were then lined with Tubliseal and the GP ce- mented into each canal. GIC was used to line the GP as this pro- vides a dynamic bond with the tooth, reducing the risk of GP con- tamination (6) . The restoration can be seen in figure 8. Once the restoration was complete, the post operative ra- diograph was taken (figure 9). The radiograph shows that the GP is to length, has a good taper, good density and doesn’t show any voids. Review stage: The patient attended her three- six-and-nine month review ap- pointments and has demon- strated a huge improvement as summarised by Table 1. Also during the nine month review, the nine month post op endodontic radiograph was tak- en (figure 10). The radiograph showed an almost complete reso- lution of the pathology and has demonstrated a successful endo- dontic treatment. The Results Taking into account all of the above, the Table 1 shows a clini- cal breakdown of the LR6 com- paring the pre and post treatment results, as well as both pre-oper- ative and 9 month post operative radiographs. This case demonstrates that no matter how bleak the outlook there’s always a possibility for success. I myself treat difficult cases with an attitude summed up very nicely by Henry Ford “Ob- stacles are those frightful things you see when you take your eyes off your goal” DT References: 1) Simon JH, Glick DH, Frank AL. The relationship of endodontic- periodontic lesions. J Periodontol.1972;43:202–8. [PubMed] 2) Preetinder Singh1. Endo-Perio Dilemma: A Brief Review. Dent Res J (Isfahan). 2011 Winter; 8(1): 39–47. 3) Clifford J. Ruddle - The ProTaper Technique Shaping the Future of Endodontics 4) Cunningham WT, Joseph SW. Effect of temperature on the bactericidal action of sodium hypochlorite endodontic irrigant. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol. 1980;50:569- 571. 5) Siqueira J, Rocas I, Favieri A, Lima K. Chemomechanical reduction of the bacterial population in the root canal alter instrumentation and irrigation with 1 %, 2.5 %, and 5.25 % sodium hypoclorite. J Endod. 2000;26:331–4. [PubMed] 6) Diaz-Arnold AM, Wilcox LR. Restoration of endodontically treated anterior teeth: an evaluation of coronal microleakage of glass ionomer and composite resin materials. J Pros Dent 1990; 64:643-646. About the author The son of a dentist and a former Kings College student, Jamie works part-time in two practices. He trained at The Bromley Road Dental Surgery in Colchester and at the end of his training year, all the dentists in the practice decided to give up a propor- tion of their units of dental activity to keep him in the practice. It was here that he carried out the case which made him one of the winners of the award. He also works at a private practice in Basildon where his col- leagues assign most endodontic cases to him.