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Today AEEDC Dubai 2014

science & practice 7AEEDC Dubai 2014 everyfile.Thebiologicalsizesmen- tioned above can be achieved with three files every time once a glide pathhasbeenestablished.Thesys- tem was designed in such a way that these sizes are attained with minimal removal of dentine coro- nally to maintain the strength of the root. Moreover, the Race file has a non-screw-in design and tri- angular cross-section to increase flexibilityandcuttingefficiency.It is also electropolished to decrease the effects of torsional and cyclic fatigue (Fig. 2). TheBoosterTip(BT;Fig.3)isthe key feature of these files however. Itallowsthemtofollowcurvatures in canals without undue stress on the file or the root. The BT starts as a non-cutting tip from 0–0.15mm diameter and the cutting edges startfrom0.15mmandupwardson the file (Fig. 4). Essential steps for the success- fuluseoftheBT-Racesequenceare the following: Glide path In order to guarantee a minimal number of file breakages, a glide pathtosize15.02isessential.Hand files can usually achieve this aim. However, if a 6 or 10 file is ex- tremelydifficulttotaketoworking length,ScoutRacefilesallowoneto achieve this requirement more quickly. Speed of 800–1,000 rpm Ahighspeedreducestheriskof breakage due to torsional fatigue. As these files are for use with indi- vidualpatientsonly,thepossibility of breakage from cyclic fatigue is also reduced. BT1 (10.06 file) This file (Fig. 5) establishes the finalglidepathanddeterminesthe coronal diameter. In any canal in which a 15.02 glide path has been established, the file will contact mainly the coronal third of the canal. At 12mm from the working length, the diameter will be 0.82mm. These files have no BT, since the tip diameter is already 0.10mm and smaller than the glide path es- tablished with a 15.02 K-file. BT2 (parallel 35 file with BT) The BT2 file (Fig. 5) is used to prepare the apical third of the canal. It is extremely flexible ow- ing to its non-tapered design, yet penetrates into the narrow canal easily and efficiently with the BT. BT3 (35.04 file with BT) This file (Fig. 5) is used to join the coronal and apical prepara- tions created by the BT1 and BT2 files and thus create a 35.04 final shape that allows maximal irriga- tion and a tight cone fit. The file is able to go to working length with minimal stress, since the coronal third has been cleared with the BT1 file and the apical third with the BT2 file. Importantly in this canal, the maximum diameter at the 12mm level is 0.83mm. Conse- quently, the removal of coronal dentine is minimal, allowing for the strongest root possible after restoration. BT-Race XL: BT 40 (40.04 file) and BT 50 (50.04 file),600–800 rpm Thesetwoinstruments(Fig.6)en- able finishes at ISO 40 and 50 when adequate apical sizes require larger sizes. If even larger apical prepara- tions than ISO 50 are required, the Racerangeofinstrumentsisrecom- mendedintherequiredsizes,prefer- ablywithasmalltaperof0.02. With this unique file system, all canals can be conservatively in- strumented to the correct biologi- cal sizes while maintaining maxi- mum cervical tooth structure. The BT ensures that the original canal shape is maintained, thus keeping even the larger files centred in the canal. Through this advantage, in addition to the minimal taper re- quired to achieve these biological sizes, the canal is maximally cleaned without weakening or stressing the root. Dr Gilberto Debelian TRIOS® - A SCANNING SOLUTION FOR ANY CLINIC DIGITAL IMPRESSIONS IN LIFELIKE COLORS TAKE HD PHOTOS AS YOU SCAN FAST, ACCURATE, POWDER-FREE Choose the optimal TRIOS® solution for your clinic – Cart, Pod, Chair Integration 1171 WE WELCOME YOU TO OUR BOOTH AD
