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CAD/CAM - international magazine of digital dentistry

mension, and proportion of the teeth. The first ad- vantage of this tool is the rapidity in sharing the aesthetic proposal with the patient, making him or her an active participant in the treatment plan. The precision in transferring all the co-ordinates of the computer-simulated 2-D proposal into a 3-D wax-up allows the lead dentist, all associated spe- cialists and the laboratory technician to access and share information regarding the treatment plan, ongoing procedural status, and the final results of the case. Should any midstream correction be nec- essary, it is relatively simple to inform and receive consent from all involved. _Diagnosis Diagnosis is simply achieved by importing a facial photograph into the GPS software and the programthenestablishesthebestsmileparameters for the patient. A full-face photograph of the patient is taken directly from the front by placing the lens in line with the patient’s nose (Fig. 2a). The facial photo- graph is taken with the patient’s Frankfurt horizon- talplaneparalleltothefloor.Theinter-pupillaryline is not important in this process because often one eye is lower than the other. The long axis of the face and the upper lip line are the reference planes for diagnosis and treatment planning. The digital facebow provided by the software is adjusted by the operator to fit along the incisal edges and the dental midline of the patient. Then, the digital facebow is rotated to fit the long axis of the face on the vertical axis and the upper lip on the horizontal aspect (Fig. 3). The photograph is automatically zoomed out to place the M Ruler over the face. This helps the cli- nician to diagnose facial or maxillary asymmetries, Fig. 3_The digital facebow of the program is adjusted to fit along the incisal edges and the dental midline of the patient. Fig. 4_When the digital facebow has been set, the system automatically zooms in on the mouth with the M Ruler over the patient’s teeth. Fig. 5_The M Ruler helps to diagnose facial and dental asymmetries to provide the most aesthetic tooth position, shape, and smile design for the patient’s facial frame. Fig. 6_The M Ruler guides the clinician in creating a virtual wax-up for the best smile design using specific libraries. The result is precise because the image is calibrated to maxillary incisors dimensions. I 07 special _ digital smile design I CAD/CAM 4_2013 Fig. 6Fig. 5 Fig. 4Fig. 3 Fig. 2dFig. 2cFig. 2b