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CAD/CAM - international magazine of digital dentistry

I industry news _ MIS _The MGUIDE MORE is an advanced virtual implant planning and guided implantology system developed by MIS to accurately transform DICOM data into 2-D and 3-D images that depict real cases in a virtual environment; enabling real-time 2-D and 3-D visualization for perfect implant planning. The MGUIDE system features user friendly software, and incorporates the production of a fully validated drilling template; assuring accurate guided implantation with predictable prosthetic outcomes. The prosthetic-driven planning can be done either by the clinician, using simplified state- of-the-art MGUIDE software, or through the MIS network of MCENTERS, well-equipped facilities in over 20 countries and five languages that provide full technical support and guidance. Implantology professionals using the MGUIDE software become members of an important online informationhubthatconnectsallsoftwareusers;doc- tors, dental laboratories, periodontists, prosthodon- tistsandtheMCENTER.Userscansharecases,takepart in demonstrations, discussions or consultations, and usearemoteaccessfeaturefordirectinteractionwith anothermember’sMGUIDEMOREplanningprocess. How does the MGUIDE process begin? First a single patient Cone Beam CT scan is done. The DICOMdataisthenuploadedfora3-Dclinicaleval- uation. Next comes the implant planning and tem- platedesignstage.Integrationofascannedwax-up andstonemodelsenablevirtualtop-downplanning as well as the template design. Then the stereo- lithographictemplatesareproduced.Theopenwire- frame templates are made using advanced 3-D printing technologies to ensure optimum fit. Now the guided surgery can be performed. Restoration can be done via immediate provisional prosthetic solutions produced in advance, using MGUIDE MORE prosthetic tools for laboratory technicians. There are many clear advantages to the MGUIDE MORE open wire-frame template. It allows an open field of view during surgery, where anaesthesia and irrigation are accessible from all angles without re- movingthetemplate.Raisedflapsurgerycanalsobe more easily performed. The template is constructed from a strong, durable biocompatible material and the 3-D CAD/CAM design ensures the highest level of accuracy. The lightweight template is an added benefit for patient comfort as well. TheMGUIDEMOREsurgicalkitnotonlyenhances accuracy and safety for a smoother guided proce- dure, it also simplifies the implantology process by eliminating the need for traditional guidance keys. Specially designed sleeves and drills stop at the pre- cise position and depth planned, freeing-up hands and saving valuable time. The MGUIDE MORE has beenspeciallyengineeredtodeliveramoreaccurate and streamlined minimally invasive implant place- ment and restoration procedure, resulting in less chair time and fewer patient appointments._ 36 I CAD/CAM 4_2013 MIS Dental Implants: When virtual becomes reality with the MGUIDE MORE MIS Implants Technologies Inc. P.O.Box 7 Bar Lev Industrial Park 20156 Israel CAD/CAM_contact