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today IDS 2009 Show Preview

Thereisnowdoubtthatim- plantology has become the fastest growing sector in den- tistry. Within only five years, the number of implants in- serted in Germany has dou- bledtomorethan700,000per year. Total annual growth rates of some 10–15 per cent also reflect the growing de- mand of aging patients for a modern implant-based den- tal prosthesis. The development towards looking after the remaining teeth has been the result of immense research and de- velopment activities in both academia and in the dental industry.AtIDSCologne,den- tists and dental technicians will have the opportunity to gain a full overview of these latest concepts regarding im- plant geometries and ma- terials, as well as the range of suprastructures current- ly available. These methods have become alternatives to conventional procedures, for example the sinus-lift. Furthermore, there has been progress in the field of implantological instruments, such as atraumatic forceps, thataregentleonalveolartis- sueorimprovedhollowcylin- der osteotomes. Visitors to the show in Cologne will also be con- fronted with a wealth of so- lutions adapted to the respec- tive indications and enabling them to choose the right ones for their practice. Optimised procedures for preserving the alveolar process, but also for augmentation or alveolar dis- traction osteogenesis are on display. Another focus will be on state-of-the-art biotechnolog- ical procedures for osseogene- sis including adult stem cell technology. Several manufac- turers will be showing their latest developments for using bone marrow stem cells and other osteogenic factors and their integration in what are re- ferred to as scaffolds (support membranes). Intramedullary resorbable rods or membranes, in some cases made of collagen or mucous membrane material are just some of the new topics to be addressed during IDS. Furthermore, state-of-the-art, high-resolution computer tomo- graphic navigation procedures for use in combination with cast laserscanshavemadetheirway into implantology. Used in com- bination with other high-tech diagnostic methods, such as dig- ital x-ray, implantologists are able to receive extremely pre- cise stereo-lithographic drilling templatesthatenabletheprepa- ration of the implant bed with the highest precision. Implantology specialists will be presenting their latest cur- ricular projects at the IDS thereby offering interested dentists the perfect opportu- nity to enter and train in this increasingly important disci- pline. These include topics such as dentistry for the eld- erly, piezo techniques, laser treatments or topics relating specifically to prosthetics as specialist areas within im- plantology. A new German-Israeli stu- dy found that 98.5 per cent of all implants are successful andtherewasnodiscernable bonelossin88percentofthe implant sites they observed. The study goal was to deter- mine the level of bone loss over time at the implant sites inthejaw.Akeyclinicalissue was not whether bone loss would occur, but how much bone loss should be consid- ered normal and acceptable. “The International Dental Show, the world’s largest trade fair for dentistry and dental technology that will be taking place in Cologne from 24 to 28 March 2009, is the ideal opportunity for trade visitors from dental practices and laboratories to inform themselves compre- hensivelyindiscussionswith specialists from exhibiting companies and experienced usersabouttherangeofmod- ern implant concepts,” says Dr. Markus Heibach, Presi- dent of the VDDI. Dental implants market continues to grow Osseogenesis and stem cell technology find their way into specialty The world’s largest trade fair for dental medicine and dental technology offers endodontolo- gists an outstanding opportu- nitytodiscussthetechnicaland economic aspects of modern concepts in endodontics in de- tail with specialists from ex- hibiting companies. Many of the innovations created by en- dodontics experts in the last few years have been further de- veloped by businesses in the dentalindustry,resultinginma- ture instrument and tool sys- tems. Now lesions of the root canal are diagnosed and, above all, treated better. For example, modern ultrasound imaging procedures are used to locate the root canal precisely and measure its length right to the apex,aswellastoprovideexact control of the file position dur- ing preparation. High-resolu- tion intraoral cameras that are connected to monitors and which enable documentation and diagnosis of endodontic treatments using views of the root canal are also available. “The fascinating scientific and technological advances in the area of endodontics have greatly improved the chances of long-term tooth preservation and also make this specialist area one of the significant com- ponents of prophylaxis-orient- ed dentistry,” said Dr Martin Rickert, Chairman of the VDDI (Association of German Dental Manufacturers). Tooth preservation using en- dodontic measures has become increasingly important in mod- ern dentistry with treatments that have been carried out in compliance with regulations achieving success rates—based onevidence—ofbetween68and 85 per cent. The spectrum of methodologies in conservative treatment ranges from manual or mechanical root canal prepa- ration, disinfection and obtura- tion, to the revision of the root canal should it become neces- sary and minimally invasive, microsurgical concepts for the treatment of particular endope- riodontic lesions. Dentists have a number of different options available for root canal preparation: classic manual file systems or rotating instruments, particularly those made of break-resistant nickel- titanium alloys, as well as time- savingmechanicalpreparation. Preparationiscarriedoutsafely through the use of motors, which increasingly use elec- tronically controlled torque limitingorvariableoscillations. This means the files remain in- tact over their lifetime. Root canal rinsing for clean- ing and disinfection using effec- tive chemical preparations can now be supplemented by hy- drodynamicprocedures.Forob- turation, as well as the classic methods, there are modern sealer adhesives and cements made of composites, which also enable resilient post restora- tions if needed. Fibreglass-rein- forced polymer or metal post systems for stable fixation can also be used, in addition to any necessary prosthetic treat- ments. For clinically complex prob- lems, endodontologists are of- fered complete systems that also contain files with special geometries for the revision of treated root canals. As a last re- sort—for root tip resection, for example—there are powerful magnifying glass systems or surgical microscopes available for minimally invasive endo- dontic microsurgery for skilled experts. “For dentists that are want- ing to start in endodontics as well as specialists in tooth pre- servation, a visit to the 33rd In- ternational Dental Show is an exceptional opportunity to be- comemorefamiliarwiththeen- tirespectrumofthisfascinating area,” said Dr Markus Heibach, Managing Director of the VDDI. IDS shows current trends in endodontics New instrument and tool systems increase success of treatment 3D, OPG, CEPH One-Shot – modular >> ökonomisch >> modular >> zukunftssicher Top 3D für alle! premium innovations >>> IDS Köln, Halle 11.2, Stand M40/N49 Jetzt mit FOV 5x5 und 8x5! AD FOV 5 x 5cm 1 : 1 >> Modularer Einstieg – keine Einbahnstraße! premium innovations >>> IDS Köln, Halle 11.2, Stand M40/N49 >> Großflächiger Flat-Panel one-shot CEPH-Sensor [26,4 x 32,5 cm] < 0,9 Sek. Belichtungszeit. >> Hochwertigste 3D Aufnahmen, schnell und präzise: transversale und longitudinale Schnitte. Implantatplanungs-Software inklusive. DICOM 3.0 kompatibel. Das Profigerät! In Deutschland bereits über 60 x installiert! CEPH-OS (optional) 3D + OPG nur OPG aufrüstbar modular + AD (DTI/NikolaSpasenoski)