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cosmetic dentistry_ beauty & science

06 I I special _ composites _Introduction A more attractive smile, improved dental aes- thetics and durable results have been for long intimately linked to ceramic restorations such as veneers and crowns and remain strongly an- chored in patients and dental professional minds. Modern composite resin technology has how- ever challenged this assumption because they offerexcellentaestheticpotentialandacceptable longevity,withamuchlowercostthanequivalent ceramic restorations for the treatment of both anterior and posterior teeth.1–3 Moreover, com- posite restorations allow for minimally invasive preparations or no preparation at all when mo- difying existing tooth anatomy or assuming the replacement of decayed tissues; this constitutes an unparalleled advantage of “free-hand bond- ing” also due to its relative simplicity. This ration- ale has been the foundation of a new concept named “bio-aesthetics”, giving priority to addi- tive, minimally or microinvasive procedures to preserve tooth biology and biomechanics. While resin composites are universally consid- ered the “standard of care” material for the filling of small to medium class III, IV and V cavities, they can be used today in many more indications such as the correction of small to moderate aesthetic and functional deficiencies.2, 3 ...+ Recent develop- ments in composite optical properties and physi- cal properties have also significantly contributed to simplifying their application and improving treatment outcome and predictability.4–6 The aim of this short article is then to demonstrate the potential and multiple applications of composite as a modern aesthetic restorative material in the context of bio-aesthetic treatment approach. cosmeticdentistry 4_2013 Bio-aesthetics: giving a new face to smile enhancements Author_ Dr Didier Dietschi, Switzerland Bio-aesthetics is the quintessence of biology, biomechanics and aesthetics and aims to more conservative, ethical solutions to a myriad of aesthetic deficiencies.