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cosmetic dentistry_ beauty & science

After the augmentation procedure, the lamina was covered with a collagen membrane to allow for rapid soft-tissue integration. The augmen- tation surgery was completed with meticulous flap closure using microsurgical techniques. After a healing period of six months, an im- plant of 3.8 mm in diameter and 11 mm in length was placed according to the restorative planning. Finally, an all-ceramic crown was seated on the zirconia abutment. The images of the final result demonstrate clearly that an aesthetically pleasing outcome was achieved by employing the bone augmen- tation technique described._ Fig. 7_Meticulous, tension-free soft-tissue closure is crucial for successful regeneration. Fig. 8_The clinical situation after six months of healing. Fig. 9_A CBCT scan showing the regenerated area. The ridge width was increased to 10.3 mm. A new cortical plate and cancellous compartment are visible. Fig. 10_Upon reflection of a full thickness flap, the regenerated tissue is visible. The tissue has a good blood supply and remnants of the lamina are present. Fig. 11_It was possible to place an implant of 3.8 mm in diameter in the correct 3-D position as planned. Fig. 12_The regenerated ridge before restorative treatment. Fig. 13_The final situation six months after seating the all-ceramic restoration. Fig. 14_A periapical radiograph six months after restorative treatment. I 31 case report _ bone regeneration I cosmeticdentistry 4_2013 Fig. 10Fig. 9 Fig. 12Fig. 11 Fig. 8Fig. 7 Dr Arndt Happe Schützenstr.2 48143 Münster Germany cosmeticdentistry _contact Fig. 14Fig. 13