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cosmetic dentistry_ beauty & science

30 I I case report _ bone regeneration _In the case presented, the treatment plan was to place a single implant in the aesthetical- ly demanding anterior maxillary region in the place of the left lateral incisor. A moderate hori- zontal ridge defect was present and the residual bone width was 5.6 mm. A staged approach employingaguidedboneregenerationtechnique with a porcine partially demineralised cortical lamina (OsteoBiol Soft Cortical Lamina, Tecnoss Dental) was chosen. A porcine bone substitute (OsteoBiol mp3, Tecnoss Dental) was used as a filler material. cosmeticdentistry 4_2013 Fig. 1_Localised horizontal ridge defect. The treatment plan was to place a single implant to replace the lateral incisor. Fig. 2_A CBCT scan of the defect. The residual ridge width was 5.6 mm. Fig. 3_Once a full thickness flap had been reflected, the buccal plate was reconstructed using OsteoBiol Soft Cortical Lamina. The lamina was secured using titanium pins. Fig. 4_The defect was filled with OsteoBiol mp3. Fig. 5_The lamina was shaped such that it could be folded over the coronal aspect of the filler material. A titanium pin was used to secure the lamina here too. Fig. 6_The lamina itself was covered with a collagen membrane to allow for rapid soft-tissue integration. Reconstruction of a horizontal ridge defect using the bone lamina technique Author_ Dr Arndt Happe, Germany Fig. 1 Fig. 5 Fig. 3 Fig. 2 Fig. 4 Fig. 6