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Implant Tribune Italian Edition

19Implant Tribune Italian Edition - Settembre 2013 Literature Review Ai vertici con i primi 5 produttori mondiali di impianti ▪Ampiagammaconoltre700articoli▪Altainnovazione di prodotto ▪ Accreditamento da numerosi studi clinici internazionali ▪ Certificazione ISO - CE - FDA. Per saperne di più, visita il sito La linea di prodotti Mis è distribuita in esclusiva da Revello S.p.A. Numero verde 800 491999 LINEA DI SUCCESSO MAKE IT SIMPLE © MIS Corporation. All rights reserved.© MIS Corporation. All rights reserved.© MAKE IT SI M P LE The use of porous titanium granules for treatment of peri-implantitis lesions: preliminary clinical and radiographic results in humans Mijiritsky E, Yatzkaier G, Mazor Z, Lorean A, Levin L. Department of Oral Rehabilitation, The Maurice and Gabriela Goldschleger School of Dental Medicine, Tel-Aviv University, Israel. March 2013, British Dental Journal Objectives: the aim of the present study is to report on preliminary clinical and radiographic results of using porous titanium gran- ules for treatment of peri-implantitis lesions. Methods: a retrospective cohort of 18 implants presenting with peri-implantitis in 16 consecutive patients from two private practices had been evaluated. Treatment included open flap debridement of the lesion, implant surface decontamination using tetracycline, filling of the defect with porous titanium granules and apically positioning of the flaps. Patients’ demographics, site and implant char- acteristics, as well as clinical and radiographic evaluation as baseline and time of follow-up were recorded. Results: patients’ age ranged from 44 to 79 years with a mean of 61.3 ± 9.5 years. Follow-up time after treat- ing peri-impantitis lesions ranged from 6 to 15 months (mean 7.5 ± 3.9). Two out of the 18 implants still presented with bleeding and suppu- ration at follow-up and thus the treat- ment was considered as a failure. This resulted in an overall success rate of 88% for the treat- ment. Mean bone loss prior to treatment was 4.4 ± 2.1 mm and was reduced follow- ing treatment to 2.3 ± 2.1 mm. Conclusion: the use of porous ti- tanium granules might be a via- ble treatment option in cases of peri-implantitis lesions. Further large-scale long-term studies are warranted in order to assess the ad- ditional benefit from this treatment option compared to other available alternatives assiduous. systemic diseases, and on smoking habits was obtained. Results: one hundred and seven- ty-two individuals had peri-im- plantitis (mean age: 68.2 years, SD ± 8.7), and 98 individuals (mean age: 44.7 years, SD ± 15.9) had im- plant health/peri-implant mucosi- tis. The mean difference in bone level at implants between groups was 3.5 mm (SE mean ± 0.4, 95% CI: 2.8, 4.3, P < 0.001). A history of car- diovascular disease was found in 27.3% of individuals with peri-im- plantitis and in 3.0% of individuals in the implant health/peri-implant mucositis group. When adjusting for age, smoking, and gender, odds ratio (OR) of having peri-implanti- tis and a history of cardiovascular disease was 8.7 (95% CI: 1.9, 40.3 P < 0.006), and odds ratio of having a history of periodontitis was 4.5 (95% CI 2.1, 9.7, P < 0.001). Smoking or gender did not sig- nificantly contribute to the outcome. Conclusions: in re- lation to a diagnosis of peri-implantitis, a high likelihood of comorbidity was ex- pressed by a history of periodontitis and a history of cardiovas- cular disease.