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CAD/CAM - international magazine of digital dentistry

CAD/CAMinternational magazine of digital dentistry I about the publisher _ imprint CAD/CAM 3_201350 I Copyright Regulations _CAD/CAM international magazine of digital dentistryis published by Dental Tribune Asia Pacific Ltd. and will appear in 2013 with four issues. The maga- zine and all articles and illustrations therein are protected by copyright. Any utilisation without the prior consent of editor and publisher is inadmissible and liable to prosecution. This applies in particular to duplicate copies, translations, microfilms, and storage and processing in electronic systems. Reproductions, including extracts, may only be made with the permission of the publisher. Given no statement to the contrary, any submissions to the editorial department are understood to be in agreement with a full or partial publishing of said submission. The editorial department reserves the right to check all submitted articles for formal errors and factual authority, and to make amendments if necessary. No responsibility shall be taken for unsolicited booksandmanuscripts.Articlesbearingsymbolsotherthanthatoftheeditorialdepartment,orwhicharedistinguishedbythenameoftheauthor,represent theopinionoftheafore-mentioned,anddonothavetocomplywiththeviewsofDentalTribuneAsiaPacificLtd.Responsibilityforsucharticlesshallbeborne by the author. Responsibility for advertisements and other specially labeled items shall not be borne by the editorial department. Likewise, no responsibility shall be assumed for information published about associations, companies and commercial markets. All cases of consequential liability arising from inaccu- rate or faulty representation are excluded. General terms and conditions apply, legal venue is North Point, Hong Kong. Publisher Torsten R. Oemus Managing Editor Magda Wojtkiewicz Executive Producer Gernot Meyer Designer Franziska Dachsel Copy Editors Sabrina Raaff Hans Motschmann International Administration Marketing & Sales Esther Wodarski Executive Vice President Finance Dan Wunderlich Printed by Löhnert Druck Handelsstraße 12 04420 Markranstädt, Germany International Media Sales Matthias Diessner Europe Melissa Brown AsiaPacific Peter Witteczek TheAmericas Jan M. Agostaro International Offices Europe Dental Tribune International GmbH Contact: Esther Wodarski Holbeinstr. 29, 04229 Leipzig, Germany Tel.: +49 341 48474-302 Fax: +49 341 48474-173 AsiaPacific Dental Tribune Asia Pacific Ltd. Contact: Tony Lo Room A, 26/F, 389 King’s Road North Point, Hong Kong Tel.: +852 3113 6177 Fax: +852 3113 6199 TheAmericas Dental Tribune America, LLC Contact: Anna Wlodarczyk 116 West 23rd Street, Suite 500 NY 10011, New York, USA Tel.: +1 212 244 7181 Fax: +1 212 244 7185 Editorial Board Prof. Albert Mehl, Switzerland Prof. Gerwin Arnetzl, Austria Dr Stefan Holst, Germany Hans Geiselhöringer, Germany Dr Ansgar Cheng, Singapore