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CAD/CAM - international magazine of digital dentistry

I 47 meetings _ IDS I CAD/CAM 3_2013 Dr. Martin Rickert, Chairman of the Executive Board of the Association of German Dental Man- ufacturers (VDDI). “Thanks especially to the trade visitors‘ high level of internationality and decision-making authority; we expect the posi- tive effects of the fair to continue for the rest of the business year. We‘re also expecting sustained growth in the German and international health- care markets.” Trade visitors were also highly satisfied with the event. The visitor survey revealed that 74 per cent of visitors said they were (very) satisfied with IDS. What's more, the fair's comprehensive spectrum of products and numerous innovations caused79percentofthevisitorstoratetheprod- uct range as either good or very good. In terms of reaching their trade fair goals, 74 per cent of the visitors surveyed said that they were satisfied or very satisfied. Overall, 95 per cent of the visitors surveyed would recommend a visit to IDS to their business partners. “IDS is the top event for the dental market. In 2013, it again drew the attention of the inter- national dental world,” concluded Dr Peter Engel, PresidentoftheGermanDentalAssociation(BZÄK). “Demographicdevelopmentswillmakecontinuous updates of healthcare structures necessary, and they will be dependent on technical advances and innovative therapies. At the trade fair, the industry has impressively demonstrated its ability to meet this challenge. But brainstorming for a (dentally) healthy future isn‘t required within the dental sectoralone.Italsohastocomefrompublicpolicy- makers. Germany is at an excellent international level technically and scientifically, as was demon- strated by this year‘s IDS. However, austerity regu- lations are making it more difficult for innovations to make their way to the dentists‘ practices.”_ All images courtesy of Koelnmesse GmbH.