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CAD/CAM - international magazine of digital dentistry

_The 35th International Dental Show (IDS) posted record-setting results when it closed in the middle of the March 2013 in Cologne. The world's leading dental trade fair attracted 125,000 trade visitors from 149 countries. That figure represents an increase of six per cent com- pared to the previous event. Records were also set in terms of the number of exhibitors and the occupied exhibition area. Thisyear2,058companies(+5.3percent)from 56 countries presented a wide range of innova- tions, products and services on 150,000 square metres of exhibition area (+3.4 per cent). With 68 per cent of the exhibitors and 48 per cent of the visitors coming fromabroad, the fair was also more international than ever before. “The degree to which IDS‘s global attraction increases from one event to the next is impressive,” said 46 I I meetings _ IDS CAD/CAM 3_2013 IDS 2013 sets new recordsSource_Koelnmesse GmbH