I 43 industry news _ Nobel Biocare I CAD/CAM 3_2013 positions. In addition to the fully guided tradition- al approach, NobelGuide now offers options for guided pilot drilling. The decision on the position, orientation and depth of the first drill during im- plant site preparation is one of the most crucial steps. The NobelGuide pilot drill template helps to solvethischallengeandenablesclinicianstofinish the surgery using their existing freehand tech- niques. All surgical templates can be visualised immediately in NobelClinician and ordered online, and are delivered ready for use. The iPad-operated drilling unit OsseoCare Pro truly sets a smarter standard in safety and effi- ciency, and is seamlessly linked to NobelConnect. Thisallowsthesecuretransferofdigitalplansfrom NobelClinician directly to the intelligent device for freehand surgery or guided surgery options—all immediatelyandneatlydocumentedinautomated clinical reports. After the surgery, patient-specific data is exported back to NobelClinician and stored in the fully encrypted NobelClinician file for later reference. Able to run on both Windows and Mac OS X, NobelClinician is continuously expanding its user base. With the recently introduced volume ren- dering technique, a patient’s anatomy can be evaluated more easily before surgery. The innova- tiveNobelClinicianCommunicatoriPadappallows for review of NobelClinician plans together with the patient to understand the proposed treatment better. The app, available from the Apple App Store,isaimedatincreasingtreatmentacceptance and securely links through NobelConnect to any iPad. A predictable restorative outcome is assured through the design of individualised prostheses in NobelProcera software. The software is directly linked to the global network of NobelProcera pro- duction facilities for the manufacture and delivery of functional and natural-looking dental restora- tions designed to last a lifetime. _New regenerative product to be added to Nobel Biocare’s products and solutions portfolio Nobel Biocare recently entered the field of re- generative solutions with a new membrane, creos xeno.protect, which it will offer in selected Euro- pean markets. A biodegradable collagen mem- brane,creosxeno.protectisfordentaluseinguided bone regeneration and guided tissue regeneration procedures. It creates a favourable environment for bone regeneration in the defect area by pre- venting the migration of undesired cells from the