I industry news _ Nobel Biocare _Nobel Biocare welcomed more than 2,000 attendees to the famed Waldorf Astoria New York for the exclusive and sold-out Nobel Biocare Glo- bal Symposium 2013, which was held from 20 to 23June.Over100world-famousresearchers,scien- tists, clinicians and academics took the stage to sharetheirinsightsandperspectivesonhowtopro- videbettertreatmenttomorepatients.Theexciting programme,prominentguestsandhistoriclocation provided the ideal platform for announcing Nobel Biocare’s new digital workflow and latest regen- erative product, and for the inauguration of the Foundation for Oral Rehabilitation (FOR). “We are making continued improvements in ef- ficiency and at the same time we continue to in- vest significantly in our future,” said Richard Laube, Nobel Biocare CEO. “Our Nobel Biocare Global SymposiuminNewYorkisoneoftheseinvestments and sold out months ago. The establishment of FOR is another clear example, as well as our efforts in innovation with the launching of our exciting new products and solutions.” _Announcement of new fully integrated digital workflow Withastrongfocusonpatientsafetyandtreat- ment efficiency for dental professionals and their patients, Nobel Biocare is developing a seamless workflow, from patient diagnostics and treatment planning to surgery and later also prostheses, all efficiently and digitally connected through Nobel Biocare’s secure online network, NobelConnect. The next step, previewed at the symposium, con- tinues to build on the individual strengths and expertise of the treating team by digitally linking NobelProcera laboratory technicians and Nobel- Clinician users. Starting with diagnostics and treatment plan- ning in NobelClinician software, the highly accu- rate surface model obtained with the second- generation NobelProcera 2G Scanner can now be included at any stage of treatment through fully automated and precise smart fusion technology. This enables even better representation of intra- oral tissue for diagnostics and planning. Further- more it reduces (procedural) treatment costs and shortens treatment time by allowing CT/CBCT scans to be taken at the first patient visit, offering clinicians a truly flexible way of working. Radiographic guides, specific markers and scan protocols are no longer necessary. A decision on guided surgery can be taken at any stage. Fully automated, precision-fitted surgical templates are generated at the click of a button using the integrated surface scan and planned implant Nobel Biocare announces new digital workflow and new regenerative product at Global Symposium in NewYork 42 I CAD/CAM 3_2013