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CAD/CAM - international magazine of digital dentistry

40 I I industry news _ Schütz Dental Fig. 1_Milling blank. Fig. 2_Final restoration veneered with dialog Occlusal. Fig. 3_13-unit unveneered long-term denture (polished). Fig. 4_Individual Table-Tops using dialog Vario Chroma Flow. CAD/CAM 3_2013 _Schütz Dental presents a new material com- bining high performance acrylics and zirconium dioxide. Tizian Zirconia Reinforced Composite blanksenablesyoutoproducetemporaryrestora- tions of up to 16 units and even lets you complete final restorations of up to 3 units. These resto- rations stand out thanks to their outstanding antagonist and TMJ friendly properties. These bionic qualities derive from the moderate Vickers hardness and corresponding elasticity module. Milling blanks (available in two heights) fit in the 98 millimeter open system holder and are suited to dry-milling. This material (Fig. 1) is suitable to produce final restorations up to three-unit bridges. This bridges might even expand to the posterior re- gion. This adds to its suitability for final crown structures as well as fully anatomical crowns, inlays, onlays and veneers. This material can also be used for implant cases and long-term tempo- raries for up to a whole arch and lasting for up to two years of wear (Figs. 2–3). The elasticity module of this material is 3.050 MPa which is lower than the one of zirconium dioxide. This fact and the optional facing with composite prevents from any chipping. If you’re looking for a veneering material for final restorations, the specially developed composite, dia- log Occlusal from Schütz Dental, comes highly rec- ommended. Cases which where faced with this com- posite make convincing results thanks to its fan- tastic translucence, homo- geneity and plaque-resist- ance. Tizian Zirconia Re- inforced Composite blanks come in a range of five tooth colours. Thanks to the excellent physical properties, this material is ideal for use on patients with CMD or Bruxism (Fig. 4). When working on implants, the elasticity of the system worksasabuffer.Thisreducesthepressureonthe implants and the bone structure. The chemical formula is free of TEGDMA and Bisphenol A. This makes the material biocom- patible with a lot of potential for the future._ Schütz Dental GmbH Dieselstr.5-6 61191 Rosbach Germany CAD/CAM_contact From veneers to bridges: Zirconia reinforced composite Fig. 4Fig. 3 Fig. 2Fig. 1