I industry news _ 3Shape _3Shape, the provider of 3-D scanners and CAD/CAM software solutions for the dental in- dustry, has launched its CAD solution for post and core restorations, which includes dedicated post and core intra-oral scanning with 3Shape TRIOS and unique CAD design workflows in Dental Sys- tem 2013. 3Shape’s Post and Core solution utilises special scanning capabilities, 3Shape Scan Posts, and sophisticated software tools for reliable cap- ture, and optimally shaped and functional post and core designs. The solution saves time by allowing laboratorytechnicianstodesignalllayersinasingle digital workflow. _3Shape patented Scan Posts for use in clinics and laboratories 3ShapehasdevelopedspecialScanPosts(patent pending) to facilitate the accurate capture of a post and core’s position and depth. Scan Posts are approved for both intra-oral use in the clinic and for model scanning in the laboratory. Scan Posts are autoclavable, and come in various shapes and sizes to support drill systems from major suppliers. _Flexible input: uses scans from TRIOS and from dental laboratory scanners 3Shape’sPostandCoresolutioncanbeusedwith 3Shape TRIOS digital impressions and 3-D scans of gypsum models. Dentists with 3Shape TRIOS can kick-start post and core cases in the clinic by cap- turing and sending highly reliable images to the laboratory for direct designing. A special dual-scan workflowusing3ShapeScanPostsensuresaccurate capture of the true depth and position of the root canal. If gypsum models are the input source, labo- ratory technicians simply insert Scan Posts in the model before scanning. _Sophisticated design tools Inthelaboratory,techniciansalignthe captured Scan Posts and allow the soft- ware to calculate positions and depths automatically.Byfirstdesigningtheana- tomy layer and applying dedicated post andcoremodellingtools,technicianscan create optimally shaped and functional post and core designs that are matched to the clin- ical case and ready for manufacture through wax print and cast, milling, or laser sintering. Frédéric Rapp, director of the Crown Ceram dental laboratory in France, said: “In combination withTRIOS,3Shape’sPostandCoredesignsoftware gives us a fast and easy way to model optimally shaped and robust post and core restorations. The full digital workflow makes it very easy to design parallelpostandcores,orworkwithcasesinvolving multiple posts.” _All types of post and core cases Laboratories can design post and core cases for standardcrowns,single-pieceretainedcrowns,and anatomical single-piece retained crowns that are cut back for veneering. 3Shape’s Post and Core design solution is fully functional in Dental System 2013 and with 3Shape TRIOS. 3Shape Scan Posts are available to both dental clinics and laboratories through 3Shape distributors. Please contact your local 3Shape rep- resentative for details and purchase information._ 3Shape releases CAD solution for post and core restorations 38 I CAD/CAM 3_2013 3Shape A/S Holmens Kanal 7 1060 Copenhagen K Denmark www.3shape.com CAD/CAM_contact