I industry news _ Straumann _The market for dental restorations presents a broad variety of prosthetic offerings. Yet cus- tomers experience constant challenges to make the right choice when it comes to fulfilling their primary product needs of high efficiency, cost effectiveness and long-term reliability. Thanks to the trustworthy relationship with dental clinics and laboratories for close to 40 years, Straumann has learned very well what matters to them and their business. Straumann is committed to adapting its service and products to the clinical and professional needs. Straumann CARES customized solutions deliver dentalprofessionalsalltheywillneedintheirpractice or laboratory (Figs. 1–4). With CARES X-Stream they have a service that provides an implant-based single- tooth prosthetic restoration in only one step: they do1scan,1designandreceive1delivery. Invested on their customers’ behalf, Straumann constantly develops and improves its portfolio, namelyofzirconiumdioxide(zerion)for: _Highprecisionmillingtodeliververydetailedandfine morphologyandsmoothsurfaces; Fig. 1_CARES® customized solutions. Fig.2_CARES® zerion® zirconiumdioxide. Fig. 3_CARES® metal frameworks. Fig. 4_CARES® crowns and bridges. Fig. 5_The new CARES® zerion® LT (Low Translucency) shades for framework constructions. Fig. 6_CARES® abutment, zirconium dioxide (ZrO2). Fig.7_CARES® abutment,titanium(Ti). Fig. 8_CARES® Variobase™ Abutment, zerion®. Experience business solutions with Straumann CARES customized prosthetics solutions 36 I CAD/CAM 3_2013 Fig. 1 Fig. 2 Fig. 3 Fig. 4