I 03 editorial _ CAD/CAM I CAD/CAM 3_2013 _ It is a great honour and distinct pleasure to present the third 2013 issue of CAD/CAM to you! 2013 is a memorable year for dentistry. The 35th International Dental Show in Cologne in Germany will be remembered for thesignificantnumberofcompaniesexhibitingupgradesandintroducingnewproductsinthefieldofCAD/CAM and digital dentistry. Countless booths with eye-catching designs and product displays demonstrated the latest trends and technological developments, including CAD/CAM chairside/in the laboratory, computer-guided implantology,3-Ddentalimaging,CAD/CAMmaterials,computerisedorthodontics,digitalimpressions,software, managementandeducation.IDSestablishedthatdigitaldentistryisnolongerthefuture;itisalreadythepresent. In this issue of CAD/CAM, you will find beautifully illustrated and well documented articles that report on CAD/CAMrestorations,CAD/CAMlingualorthodonticsystemandimplantology. IampleasedtoannouncethattheCAD/CAMistheofficialpublicationofthesecondAsiaPacificCAD/CAM and Digital Dentistry International Conference, organized by CAPP Asia, which will take place in Singapore on 4and5October2013.Theeventisalreadybecomingamajorplatformforshapingthefutureofdigitaldentistry intheAsiaPacificregion.Itwillattractthecrèmedelacrèmeofopinionleadersindentistry,whowillbesharing their knowledge and experience with the world’s dental elite. The objectives of the main scientific session and the dental technicians’ parallel session will be to exchange valuable knowledge, to help cultivate a spirit of collaboration in the dental team, and to enable networking. These sessions are expected to spark heated discussions on the latest methods and techniques and on how to improve them, thus paving the way forward in dentistry. The exhibition will provide hands-on access to the latest digital dentistry systems. The event will facilitate direct interaction with the leading dental manufacturers, discussions on the scientific relevance of their products, and gathering of useful feedback from current and prospective users. It is from this valuable feedback that the companies taking part in the event will be able to develop their 3-D technologies further, withaviewtobestmeetingtheneedsofthedentalteam. We are proud to welcome to this year’s conference in Singapore some of the most exciting names in digital dentistry, who will be presenting papers during the conference: Dr Lutz Ritter, Germany; Dr Andreas Bindl, Switzerland; Dr Eduardo Mahn, Chile; Prof. Tae Weon Kim, South Korea; Morten Ryde, DT, Denmark; Joachim Maier, MDT, Germany; Dr Bernd van der Heyd, MDT, Germany; Werner Gotsch, MDT, Germany; Dr Chanchai Kingawattanagul,Thailand;DrSimonKold,Denmark;DrKhaledAbouseada,Egypt;andDrKurtDawirs,Germany. A parallel session targeted at dental technicians will be held on the second day of the conference, with presen- tations by Rik Jacobs, the Netherlands; Carsten Kelm, Germany; Ike Intoratat, Thailand; Barış Çakır, Germany; ChristopherAdamus,DT,Poland;SimonDocker,UK;andRalfOppacher,MDT,Germany. InDecember2012,CAPPjoinedtheelitegroupofinternationalcontinuingmedicaleducationproviderswho areaccreditedbytheAmericanDentalAssociation.Hence,delegatesattendingcanexpecttoenjoycutting-edge presentationsinthedentalfieldandtobenefitfromtop-qualityscientificdiscussions. The conference exhibition will be honoured by the presence of the leading dental manufacturers, including Sirona,IvoclarVivadent,3Shape,DeguDent,AmannGirrbach,WielandDental,RolandDG,DentegrisandeCligner, all of which will be showcasing their latest masterpieces. There will also be other important industry players at theconference.WelookforwardtowelcomingyoutothevibrantcityofSingapore. Yoursfaithfully, TzvetanDeyanov BDM&BusinessPartnerCAPP&DentalTribuneMiddleEast&Africa Dear Reader, Tzvetan Deyanov BDM & Business Partner CAPP & Dental Tribune Middle East & Africa