I 15 CE article _ litihium disilicate restorations I CAD/CAM 3_2013 Next, the internal aspects of the IPS e.max CAD crownswereloadedwithMultilinkAutomix(Ivoclar Vivadent) (Fig. 13) and seated on both the maxillary leftbicuspidandmolarwithslightpressureapplied. The “wave” technique was then used to cure the excesscementtoagellikestate,whichenabledeasy removal (Fig. 14). Excess cement was removed from interproximal and cervical areas using a microbrush, after which complete polymerization was achieved by curing from the buccal, lingual and distal aspects. _Conclusion Thecombinationoflithium-disilicateblocks(IPS e.max CAD) and the E4D Dentist System is a state- of-the-art material and technology solution that enhancesthepredictability,aestheticsandease-of- useofin-officeCAD/CAMprocedures.Restorations completed with this complementary combination demonstrate excellent fit, function and aesthetics (Figs. 15 & 16). As a result, dentists can provide progressive, one-day treatments to patients, elimi- nating more invasive and time-consuming proce- dures that can require multiple appointments. By incorporating the essential components of smiledesignandaccuratescanning,theE4DDentist System helps to ensure the accuracy and pre- dictability of resulting restorations. When milled from highly esthetic lithium-disili- cate blocks (IPS e.max CAD), the restorations enable dentists to provide exceptional treatments tailored to the patient’s authentic esthetic characteristics._ Editorial note: A complete list of references is available fromthepublisher. Fig. 14_The crowns are seated and the Wave technique used to facilitate easy cleanup of excess cement. Fig. 15_Postoperative, buccal view of the patient’s restored smile, complete with more natural looking IPS e.max CAD lithium-disilicate crowns. Fig. 16_Postoperative occlusal view of the final chairside fabricated E4D restorations. (PhotoscourtesyofDrJohnC.Schwartz) Dr John C.Schwartz 337 Metairie Road,Suite 302 Metairie,LA 70072 USA johnschwartz@ drjohnschwartz.com CAD/CAM_about the author Fig. 16 Fig. 15Fig. 14