14 I I CE article _ litihium disilicate restorations Digitalrestorationcreation The autogenesis feature in the E4D DentaLogic intuitivesoftwarewasusedinconjunctionwithE4D CAD proposals (Fig. 4), which incorporated images of the buccal and occlusal aspects (Figs. 5 & 6) and contact intensity (Fig. 7). The restorations were designed and then sent to the E4D milling unit, where lithium-disilicate hightranslucent(HT)blocks(IPSe.max)weremilled. Aftercompletion,themonophasiccrownswerefirst tried in the patient’s mouth to appraise fit, contour and anatomical harmony, then crystallized. Customization The restorations were removed from the fur- nace, then cleaned and dried. To fulfil the patient’s desiredgoalofhavingamorenaturalcolouredsmile, the restorations were appropriately stained and glazed. The ideal shade stain was placed on the tip of a hygienic brush and applied to the restorations. Once staining was complete, the crowns were ful- lycrystallizedandfired.Thecasewasreadyforseating usinguniversalcement(Multilink,IvoclarVivadent). Cementation Lithium-disilicate glass ceramic restorations (IPS e.max CAD) can be traditionally cemented or bonded adhesively. As a result, any restrictions that may be presented due to placement or location within the mouth are eliminated.4, 5 The internal aspects of the crowns were cleaned with Ivoclean and etched with Ceramic Etching Gel. TheCeramicEtchingGelwasappliedfor20seconds, rinsed with water and dried in preparation for sila- nating using the Monobond Plus Primer (Fig. 9). The Monobond Plus Primer was applied with a microbrush for 60 seconds to the internal sur- faces of the restorations to ensure a sound bond between the restorations and cement, as well as increase bond strength (Fig. 10). Excess primer was air dried. The solution was then applied to the prepared teeth and allowed to sit for 40 seconds. The Multi- link A&B solution (Fig. 11) was air blown gently to remove excess. Note that the patient’s surround- ing gingival tissues may turn white temporarily (Fig. 12). Fig. 10_The Monobond Plus Primer was applied with a microbrush for 60 seconds. Fig. 11_The preparations are cleaned and three drops each of Multilink A&B solution are mixed in a well. Fig. 12_Excess Multilink A&B solution is air blown gently to remove excess. Fig. 13_Multilink Automix cement is loaded into the crowns. CAD/CAM 3_2013 Fig. 13Fig. 12 Fig. 11Fig. 10