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CAD/CAM - international magazine of digital dentistry

The material is also indicated for an assortment of dental procedures, including partial and full cov- erage inlays and onlays, thin veneers (0.3 mm) and implant superstructures. Lithium-disilicate glass ce- ramic trumps traditional ceramic materials because of its durability and high flexural strength values. _Case presentation A 55-year-old woman presented requesting removal of the maxillary left bicuspid and molar crowns. Their unsightly margins and the gold restorations were visible in her smile (Figs. 1 & 2), andthepatienthadgrownwearyoftheirunsettling and lackluster appearance. Her goal was to whiten herdull-lookingteethinordertoreflectthebrighter colour of her natural anterior dentition. In-office CAD/CAM restorations (IPS e.max CAD) were discussed with and agreed to by the patient. The optical qualities of IPS e.max CAD, which include a fairly low refractive index, optimal light transmission and lifelike translucency, would provide natural appearing and highly aesthetic restorations.2, 3 Preparationanddigitalimpressiontaking The existing crown restorations were removed and the teeth were prepared for IPS e.max CAD crowns. Preparations included a 2 mm occlusal reduction and a 1–1.2 mm shouldered margin. A scan was performed of the patient’s arch and prepared teeth, and the margins were identified (Fig. 3). Fig. 3_Scan of the patient’s prepared teeth with margins identified. Fig. 4_View of the CAD proposals created utilizing Autogenesis. Fig. 5_Buccal view of the CAD proposals. Fig. 6_Optimization of CAD proposal to account for occlusion and contact pressure. Fig. 7_Optimization of CAD proposal with model and occlusion in place. Fig. 8_The internal aspects of the crowns are cleaned, etched and silanated. Fig. 9_Ceramic Etching Gel is applied for 20 seconds, rinsed with water and dried. In preparation for salinating using Monobond Plus primer. I 13 CE article _ litihium disilicate restorations I CAD/CAM 3_2013 Fig. 5 Fig. 6 Fig. 7 Fig. 8 Fig. 9 Fig. 3 Fig. 4