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implants - international magazine of oral implantology

industry report I I 43implants3_2013 while GapSeal®-treated implants usually provided no evidence of germ growth. This is proven by the follow-up examinations, each of which was con- ducted six months afterwards. The number of germs (CFU = colony forming unit) at each pertaining implant was determined through serial dilution, followed by counting the CFU’sontheincubationplates.Thisprocessenabled adefinitedeterminationofgermscontainedineach interior implant smear.15 We were able to prove the material's efficacy by conducting follow-up exami- nationsbetween1996and2000anddonotwantto abstainfromusingGapSeal®eversince.Thesestud- ies finally showed a statistically significant reduc- tioninperi-implantitisinmorethanathirdofallim- plants sealed with GapSeal®.15 _Application Implant interiors can be sealed with GapSeal® immediatelyafterinsertingandremovingtheinser- tion tool, thereby eliminating the prospective peri- implantitisinducingthere-infectionfactor.Forthis purpose, the carpule must be inserted into the ap- plicator at first, and the closing cap needs to be re- moved. It is recommended to bend the cannula slightlyaroundtheapplicatorshaftaccordingtothe filling situation. Excess material gushing from the implantwhentheclosurecapisscrewedinindicates a good filling situation (Fig. 6). The material is delivered in sterile blister packs and the applicator is autoclavable to warrant steril- ity. In case the implant is treated with GapSeal® at a later point, thorough cleansing of the interior spaces with alcohol is recommended. Furthermore, it is advised to fill the hollow spaces of screwed su- perstructureswithGapSeal®.Duringimplantre-en- try at recalls, it is advisable to renew old material, which may be rinsed out with xylene or alcohol. GapSeal® is very stable; it retains its qualities in ce- mented works over years, and requires neither ex- change nor replenishment. _Results and discussion Peri-implantitis is the most feared complication occurring in implantology, especially once the im- plant therapy with appropriate prosthetics is com- pleted.Suggestionsregardingthetreatmentexistin ample variations and are also put into practice. However, it seems to be more reasonable to prevent thecausesforperi-implantitis,whichcertainlyorig- inate to a large percentage from re-infection out of implant gaps and hollow spaces. The possibility of germ colonisation in implant interiors exists and should be taken seriously. Attempts to combat re- infection have been described in specialised litera- ture for years. Now GapSeal® with its sixteen years ofclinicalexperienceoffersatrulyeffectivepreven- tion against peri-implantitis._ Editorialnote:Alistofreferencesisavailablefromthepub- lisher. Fig. 6_Use of applicator and carpules. Prof.Dr Dr Claus Udo Fritzemeier ImWinkel 5 40627 Düsseldorf,Germany _contact implants