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FDI Worldental Daily

News Wednesday, 28 August 2013 R esults from a ground-breaking pan-European epidemiology investigation will be pre- sented during a scientific AWDC symposium supported by dental consumables manufacturer Glaxo- SmithKline(GSK)today.TheESCAR- CELstudyisaninvestigationintothe prevalenceoftoothwearanddentine hypersensitivity with associated riskfactors.Whilenumerousstudies have previously investigated preva- lenceoftoothwearordentinehyper- sensitivity, together with associated risk factors, none have ever meas- ured both conditions simultane- ously with the scale of ESCARCEL, GSK said. Started in 2010, the study was de- vised by a scientific committee com- posed of leading European experts and conducted with over 3,000 sub- jects, aged 18 to 35 years, who were assessed for tooth wear, dentine hy- persensitivity and gingival health in several European countries including the UK, Italy, France, Spain, Finland, Latvia, and Estonia. Data relating to risk factors (for example, medical conditions and dietary factors) were collected by a questionnaire. The pioneering results will be fi- nally presented this morning be- tween 9:00 – 11:00 as part of the 2013 AWDC scientific programme. GSK said that it will also be holding other ‘must attend’scientific events in key development areas for clini- cians in the upcoming days, includ- ing a satellite symposium on “Filling the gap—Hints and tips for the suc- cessful replacement of teeth” to- morrow from 12:00 – 14:00. Accord- ing to the company, the aim of the session is to raise awareness of the current change in demographics trends. As the proportion of older people is growing faster than any otheragegroupequatingtoahigher percentage of patients with denti- tion at risk, replacing missing teeth increasingly become challenging. At the same time, patient expectation is evolving with time to cause addi- tional complexity. The symposium will focus on exploring several op- tions for replacing missing teeth in- cluding implants, bridges and den- tures, GSK said. There will also be an exhibition stand (C26) for clinicians to get in- formation on the company’s special- ist products. It will offer the opportu- nity to interact with representatives in three different brand stations (Pronamel, Parodontax and Corega). ItwillalsohousetheSensodyneInno- vation Centre, where visitors can learn and receive free samples of the recently launched Sensodyne Com- plete Protection toothpaste, that is said to protect from the pain of sensi- tive teeth, as well as to provide stronger enamel and healthy gums. ResultsfromESCARCELstudy toberevealedtoday 6 S E E BUY L E A R N S Y D N EY S E E BUY L E A R N S Y D N EY AUSTRALIA’S PREMIER DENTAL EVENT ADX14 Sydney Dental Exhibition 21–23 MARCH 2014 – SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA Australia’s Largest Dental Exhibition All Major Brands And Product Categories Discounted Airfare And Accommodation Extensive Professional Skills Program DISCOUNTED AIRFARE AND ACCOMMODATION FOR ADX14 SYDNEY VISITORS ADX14 Sydney See more, buy more and learn more A U S T R A L I AA U S T R A L I A YEEY 41XX1DDXAADROORF NOIIOTAATDOODMMOMMMOCCOCCCAAC DNNDAANOUNT ERREAARFRRFIIRAAI ED ASCCO DIIS NRAEY LUBEES YENDYSN S ITORRS D SVIIS YEEYNNEDYSSY ROORF altneD XDA ’SAA’LIAAUSTR NRAEY LUBEES iontibihxEal yendyS41X EVENTLADENTPREMIER’S YENDYSN ofessional Skills Prxtensive Pr e And Accommodationfarcounted Air Major Brands And gest Dental Exhibitions LarAustralia’ RCH 20MA23–12 ogramofessional Skills Pr e And Accommodation oduct CategoriesAll Major Brands And Pr gest Dental Exhibition ALIA, AUSTRYDNEYS4 –1RCH 20 e, buy morSee mor 4 Sydney1ADX e and leare, buy mor 4 Sydney en more and lear AD Prevalenceoftoothwearandhypersensitivityinvestigated (DTI/PhotocourtesyofGSK,UK)