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FDI Worldental Daily

Industry Wednesday, 28 August 2013 20 I“Biology must drive implant de- sign”hasbeenthemottoofDriveIm- plants designers for over 25 years. Based on biological research and longterm practical experience, the French specialist company claims one of the most rational, efficient and easy-to-use range of implants available on the market. Having rethought dental implantology ow- ing to recent market developments, the Drive Implants also says to offer a less expensive way of treating patients with its “access pack”, that con- tains an implant (high and low pro- filescrew)aswellas three inseparable prosthetic ele- mentsforthepriceofoneimplant. Drive Implants is an international renowned supplier of unique implant solutions that offer benefits to practi- tioners as well as patients. Its N-Tec collection, the Bio- Xellentsystem,andrecentlylaunched Specificlinewiththepostextractional synkroneimplantand2,9mmSpecific implantforuseincaseswiththincrest, have convinced practitioners from all over the world including most of Eu- rope, Middle East and the Maghreb stateswiththeirperformance,accord- ingtothecompany. Its headquarters in the heart of Francehasbecomeacentreforexcel- lence gathering researchers, devel- opers as well as dental practition- ers. It also boasts a high-tech clini- cal pilot centre and a training acad- emy under the name of “l’Ecole Es- pace 14”. DRIVE IMPLANTS, FRANCE AKADEMI DENTAL Booth B75-76 IWith Equia, GC has developed a self-adhesive restorative system that is said to provide impressive clinical results in the posterior re- gion. The new concept combines the clinical proven EQUIA Fil high viscosity glass ionomer material with EQUIA Coat light-cured wear resistant highly-filled resin coat- ing for a strong restorative mate- rialthatissupposedtotakeglass- ionomer technology to a new level. Unlike conventional glass- ionomer cements, EQUIA has a broader range of indications and can be used for permanent restorations. In comparison to many other filling materials, this modern system offers a signifi- canttimeadvantage,accordingto the company, as the procedure time of around three and a half minutes means that restorations with EQUIA can be finished quickly. Moreover, the use of a rubber dam is optional. Since EQUIA Fil undergoes chemical adhesion with the natu- ral tooth structure, there is no need for complex bonding proce- dures, GC said. Furthermore, the material does not require layer- ing, can be applied in bulk and adapts perfectly to the cavity walls. EQUIA Coat also eliminates time-consuming finishing and polishing steps since the coating only has to be applied once in or- der to give the finished restora- tionauniquelusterandlong-last- ing natural appearance. The EQUIA system is available in a range of refills and system packs containing capsules of EQUIA Fil and a bottle of EQUIA Coat.The filling material comes in the VITA shades A1, A2, A3, A3.5, B1, B2, B3, C4 and SW (Standard White) and thus allow dentists to fulfil their patients’ demands for tooth-coloured fillings, even in the posterior region. GC EUROPE, BELGIUM Booth C23-25 GC Equia AD DriveImplantspresentsreliableandcost-effectiveimplantsolutions