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case report_ aesthetic placement I I 09implants1_2013 done with Straumann® BoneCeramic which helps to preserve the horizontal dimension of the ridge and, to some degree, the vertical dimension (Fig 8). _Immediate temporary restoration An immediate provisionalisation was done by an adhesive-fixed provisional with the crown of the recently extracted tooth #12 used as a Maryland bridge. Seven days after the extraction and immediate implant placement the tis- sues around the zone look completely healthy (Fig 9). This not only permitted providing the patient with an immedi- ate aesthetic fixed provisional but also to maintain the adequate gingival ar- chitecture during the osseointegration period. _Final restoration After a healing period of six to seven weeks an adequate gingival architec- ture was already achieved by the adhe- sive immediate provisionalisation (Figs 10&11). At this time a Straumann® NC Cementable Abutment with a mini- mally invasive approach is connected and screwed in at 20Ncm torque (Figs 12&13). By applying this protocol the abutment will not be disconnected, al- lowing the soft tissue to accommodate to the ideal apico-coronal position and minimising its possible future recession. With a periapical radiograph we checked the adequate fit of the abut- ment to the implant connection and confirmed maintaining of the mesial and distal bone around the implant (Fig 14). The preparation of the definitive abutment was done intraorally (Fig.15) and after this the definitive impres- sion was taken. A new provisional was cemented to the definitive abutment to maintain adequate soft tissue aes- thetics (Figs 16&17). A metal-ceramic crown was prepared by the laboratory Fig. 5 Fig. 6 Fig. 7 Fig. 8 Fig. 9 Fig. 10 Fig. 11 Fig. 12 Fig. 13 Fig. 14 Fig. 15 Fig. 16