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32 I I research_ Impression and registration implants1_2013 Fig. 1a_Full denture in situ Fig. 1b_Duplicate (DentDu) of the interim denture Fig. 1c_Trial of the DentDu Fig. 2a_Placement of the DentDu in the articulator Fig. 2b_Pick-up impression system On the left: titanium impression post (placed on the implant) On the right: plastic impression sleeve (will be left in the impression) _Usually, a full denture is delivered fol- lowing tooth extraction or implant insertion of a fully edentulous arch. A denture is usu- ally used until the final restoration is per- formed. A well-designed full denture should fulfill the following criteria: 1) correct verti- cal height and maxilla-mandibular relation- ship; 2) accurate occlusion; 3) appropriate choice of teeth with regard to shape, length, width and position; 4) adequate lip sup- port, and 5) proper function and aesthetics to meet the patient’s expectations. The final restoration should fulfill or surpass these requirements. Obtaining a correct impres- sion and accurately evaluating the interoc- clusal relationship (e.g., interocclusal dis- tance, occlusal recording and determination of the exact position of the placed implants) are often challenging and time-consuming tasks.1 The aim of the current report is to present an impression and registration technique that allows the transfer of the interocclu- sal relationship, occlusal recording and aes- thetics that were initially applied to produce a full denture as a template for the recon- struction of the final full-arch implant. _Materials and Methods Following multiple extraction of a non- salvageable rest dentition and the place- ment of six dental implants in positions #4, #5, #6, #11, #12, #13, a full denture was fabricated. After the extraction sites had healed and denture sores were eliminated, the function and aesthetics of the denture was optimised. If necessary, angulations, shape and colour of the denture teeth and the shape of the denture base were cor- Impressionandregistra- tionforfull-archimplant dentures Author_Prof. Gregory-George Zafiropoulos Fig.1a Fig.1b Fig.1c Fig.2a Fig.2b